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iRubric: World Language Speaking Rubric

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World Language Speaking Rubric 
Rubric Code: A72X85
Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Speaking Rubric
  Excellent Response


Acceptable Response


Limited Response


Insufficient Response



Excellent Response

Grammar is used appropriately for task and level.
Acceptable Response

Grammar is mostly used appropriately for task and level.
Limited Response

Occasional errors in grammar that do not distract too much from the task.
Insufficient Response

Consistent errors in grammar that distract too much from the task.

Excellent Response

Uses varied and accurate vocabulary.
Acceptable Response

Uses adequate and accurate vocabulary.
Limited Response

Uses limited or repetitious narrow range of vocabulary.
Insufficient Response

Uses non-relevant or inaccurate vocabulary.

Excellent Response

Continuous speech with minimal pauses or stumbling. Pronunciation is clear and does not create confusion for the listener.
Acceptable Response

Continuous speech with a few pauses or stumbling. Pronunciation is mostly clear, with minimal confusion for the listener.
Limited Response

Interrupted speech with pauses and some inconsistencies. Pronunciation mistakes are more frequent with some confusion for the listener.
Insufficient Response

Halting speech with long pauses. Frequent pronunciation mistakes cause incomprehensible speech.
Task Completion

Excellent Response

Exceptionally completes the task using class time and resources appropriately. No use of English within presentation.
Acceptable Response

Appropriately uses class time and resources to complete the task. No use of English within presentation.
Limited Response

Not all tasks are completed within class time nor are resources used appropriately. English is used once.
Insufficient Response

Tasks not completed during class time and resources are not used appropriately. English is used more than one time.

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