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iRubric: French Oral FCA rubric

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French Oral FCA 
Prepared and off-the-cuff questions with the teacher.
Rubric Code: Z24924W
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Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric French oral presentation

2 pts


3 pts


4 pts

Very Good

5 pts

Pronunciation and Fluidity


Demonstrates poor pronunciation with more than a few errors impeding communication/understanding. Poor flow between question and answer.
Demonstrates poor practice and little preparation. Needs to work on practicing aloud with someone and preparing more at home.

Demonstrates fair pronunciation with few errors impeding communication/understandingDecent flow between question and answer.
Demonstrates some practice and preparation. Stumbles more than sometimes and would benefit from more practice.

Demonstrates good pronunciation with few to no errors impeding communication/understanding. Good flow between question and answer. Demonstrates practice and preparation. Stumbles a couple of times and may be a bit nervous.
Very Good

Demonstrates excellent pronunciation with no errors impeding communication/under-standing. Excellent flow between question and answer. Demonstrates practice and excellent preparation. Your hard work is apparent!
Grammar and Vocabulary Usage


Poor use of grammar and relevant vocabulary. Few sentences have logical word order and are structured well. Many sentences are illogical or need adjustments. Student was unable to make all corrections and needed much review and help to correct.

Fair use of grammar and relevant vocabulary. Many sentences have logical word order and are structured well, but some need adjustments. Student had several mistakes and was only able to correct a couple on their own.

Good use of grammar and relevant vocabulary. Most sentences have logical word order and are structured well. Students rough draft had more than a few mistakes but they were not detrimental to the understanding. Student had a few questions about mistakes/corrections.
Very Good

Excellent use of grammar and relevant vocabulary. All sentences have logical word order and are structured very well. Student's rough draft required very few or no corrections. Student was able to correct mistakes independently.
Listening Comprehension /


Demonstrates very poor listening comprehension. Only able to answer questions with extreme prompting (excessive hand gestures, etc.)

Demonstrates some listening comp. , but not well beyond structured and prepared questions. Prompts needed to answer some/most spontaneous (unplanned) questions.

Demonstrates satisfactory/good listening comp. skills. Basically understood all questions and was able to answer appropriately.
Very Good

Demonstrates excellent listening comp. skills and is able to respond appropriately to both structured (planned) and unstructured (spontaneous) questions with ease, detail and a high level of grammatical and vocabulary competence


Student did not speak clearly enough or loudly enough. There were long hesitations and major stumbling which affected teacher's understanding. Unable to recognize or correct mistakes on own.

Student intermittently spoke loudly and clearly enough. More confidence is needed. Teacher had some difficulty understanding student's responses and had to clarify. Student recognized mistakes but unable to correct.

Student mostly spoke clearly and volume was clear enough. There were some hesitations and slight stumbling but nothing that impeded teacher's understanding of what teacher was saying. Student was able to self-correct most mistakes.
Very Good

Student spoke clearly and loudly without any hesitation or stumbling. Student spoke confidently and with apparent ease. Student was able to self-correct for All minor mistakes. there were no major mistakes.

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