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iRubric: Year 10 SEPEP Netball rubric

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Year 10 SEPEP Netball 
SEPEP Rubric, assessing the achievements of Coach, Statististician, Music Manager and other students of the class.
Rubric Code: Z247B2B
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Public Rubric
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric SEPEP Netball
Year 10
  Below Average

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts

Very Good

4 pts


Below Average

Uses google forms to collect all appropriate data regarding preferred positions, while recording a comprehensive volume of performance to display to peers on digital whiteboard. Quality and relevance of sportsplan diagrams is exceptional.

Uses google forms to collect an expected volume of appropriate data regarding preferred positions, while recording a passable volume of performance to display to peers on digital whiteboard. Quality and relevance of sportsplan diagrams is moderate.

Uses google forms to collect most appropriate data regarding preferred positions, while recording an adequate volume of performance to display to peers on digital whiteboard. Quality and relevance of sportsplan diagrams is well done.
Very Good

Uses google forms to collect all appropriate data regarding preferred positions, while recording a comprehensive volume of performance to display to peers on digital whiteboard. Quality and relevance of sportsplan diagrams is exceptional.

Below Average

Records a limited range of performance data via excel spreadsheet, with I-book ICT facilitated to present trends in statistics to students with limited creativity and comprehensiveness.

Records a fair range of performance data via excel spreadsheet, with I-book ICT used to present trends in statistics to students to a moderate standard in terms of creativity and comprehensiveness. .

Records a diverse and commendable range of performance data via excel spreadsheet, with I-book ICT mostly facilitated to creatively and comprehensively present trends in statistics to students
Very Good

Records a diverse and extensive range of performance data via excel spreadsheet, with I-book ICT facilitated to creatively and comprehensively present trends in statistics to students
Music Manager

Below Average

Padlet ICT manipulated and designed to collate a limited range of music styles in preference to group members, while Spotify ICT is poorly facilitated to present appropriate and relevant music to student to be played during tournament.

Padlet ICT manipulated and designed to collate a moderate range of music styles in preference to group members, while Spotify ICT is mostly facilitated to present appropriate and relevant music to student to be played during tournament.

Padlet ICT manipulated and designed to collate a wide range of music styles in preference to group members, while Spotify ICT is largely facilitated to present appropriate and relevant music to student to be played during tournament.
Very Good

Padlet ICT manipulated and designed to collate an extensive range of music styles in preference to group members, while Spotify ICT is exceptionally facilitated to present appropriate and relevant music to student to be played during tournament.
Remaining Students

Below Average

High quality leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills is rarely evident and displayed.

High quality leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills evident and displayed most of the time.

High quality leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills evident and displayed on almost all occasions.
Very Good

High quality leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills evident and displayed at all times.


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