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iRubric: POdcast rubric

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Rubric Code: U47CBX
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Graduate

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9 pts


6 pts

Partially Proficient

3 pts


0 pts

9 pts

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Catchy and clever introduction. Provides relevant information and establishes a clear purpose engaging the listener immediately.
Tells who is speaking, date the podcast was produced, and where the speaker is located.

Describes the topic and engages the audience as the introduction proceeds.
Tells most of the following: who is speaking, date of the podcast, and location of speaker.
Partially Proficient

Somewhat engaging (covers well-known topic), and provides a vague purpose.
Alludes to who is speaking, date of the podcast, and location of speaker.

Irrelevant or inappropriate topic that minimally engages listener. Does not include an introduction or the purpose is vague and unclear.
Speaker is not identified. No production date or location of the speaker is provided.
9 pts

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Creativity+original content enhance purpose of cast in an innovative way. Accurate info. + succinct concepts are presented.
Vocab enhances content.
Includes wide variety of approp., well-researched +informative sources + has well-edited quotes from “expert” sources. Quotes + sources of info. are credited approp.
Keeps focus on topic.
Conclusion clearly sums key info.

Accurate information is provided succinctly.
Vocabulary is appropriate.
Includes appropriate and informative quotes from “expert” sources. Source quotes are credited appropriately.
Stays on the topic.
Conclusion summarizes information.
Partially Proficient

Some information is inaccurate or long-winded.
Vocabulary is adequate.
Includes some variety of informative quotes from some “expert” sources. Source quotes need some editing and some credits are missing.
Occasionally strays from the topic.
Conclusion vaguely summarizes key information

Information is inaccurate.
Vocabulary is inappropriate for the audience.
Includes no source quotes.
Does not stay on topic.
No conclusion is provided.
3 pts

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Well rehearsed, smooth delivery in a conversational style.
Highly effective enunciation, expression, and rhythm keep the audience listening.
Correct grammar is used throughout the podcast.

Rehearsed, smooth delivery.
Enunciation, expression, pacing are effective.
Correct grammar is used during the podcast.
Partially Proficient

Appears unrehearsed with uneven delivery.
Enunciation, expression, rhythm are sometimes distracting.
Occasionally incorrect grammar is used during the podcast.

Delivery is hesitant, and choppy and sounds like the presenter is reading.
Enunciation of spoken word is not clearly understandable or expression, and rhythm are distracting throughout the podcast.
Poor grammar is used throughout the podcast.
6 pts


Open ended questions and follow-up are used that draw interesting and relevant information from the interviewee.

Open ended questions and follow-up questions are used appropriately
Partially Proficient

Open ended questions and follow-up questions are occasionally irrelevant to the topic.

Only yes-or-no questions are used. No follow-up questions are asked.
Graphic and Music Enhancements
6 pts


The graphics/artwork used create a unique and effective presentation and enhance what is being said in the podcast and follow the rules for quality graphic design.
Music enhances the mood, quality, and understanding of the presentation.
All graphic and music enhancements are owned by the creator of the podcast or copyright cleared with appropriate documentation.

The graphics/artwork relate to the audio and reinforce content and demonstrate functionality.
Music provides supportive background to the podcast.
Graphic and music enhancements are owned by the creator of the podcast or copyright cleared.
Partially Proficient

The graphics/artwork sometimes enhance the quality and understanding of the presentation.
Music provides somewhat distracting background to the podcast.
Use of copyrighted works is questionable.

The graphics are unrelated to the podcast. Artwork is inappropriate to podcast.
Music is distracting to presentation.
Copyright infringement is obvious.
Technical Production
6 pts


Transitions are smooth and spaced correctly without noisy, dead space.
Volume of voice, music, and effects enhance the presentation.
Podcast length keeps the audience interested and engaged.
Podcast linked from a site that included descriptive subject tags.
Podcast occurs as part of a regularly scheduled series.

Transitions are smooth with a minimal amount of ambient noise.
Volume is acceptable.
Podcast length keeps audience listening.
Podcast contained subject tags.
Podcast occurs as part of a series.
Partially Proficient

Transitions are uneven with inconsistent spacing; ambient noise is present.
Volume is occasionally inconsistent.
Podcast length is somewhat long or somewhat short to keep audience engaged.
Podcast contains limited subject tags.
.Podcast occurs randomly.

Transitions are abrupt and background noise needs to be filtered.
Volume changes are highly distracting.
Podcast is either too long or too short to keep the audience engaged.
Podcast has no subject tags and difficult to locate online.
Podcast occurs as a one-time event.



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