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iRubric: Novel Annotation rubric

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Novel Annotation 
AP Lit & Composition Annotation Grade
Rubric Code: S249BBW
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Annotation Content
  Excellent 21-25 pts

25 pts

Proficient 16-20 pts

20 pts

Adequate 11-15

15 pts

Inadequate 6-10 pts

10 pts

Annotation Variety

Excellent 21-25 pts

Text has been thoroughly annotated with questions, observations, and reflections of the content; variety of topics marked for discussion
Proficient 16-20 pts

Text has been annotated reasonably well with questions, observations, and/or reflections of the content
Adequate 11-15

Text has been briefly annotated.
Inadequate 6-10 pts

Text has few, if any, annotations.
Comment Depth

Excellent 21-25 pts

Comments demonstrate analysis and interpretation - thinking goes beyond the surface level of the text. Thoughtful connections are made to other texts, life experiences.
Proficient 16-20 pts

Comments demonstrate some analysis and interpretation - thinking somewhat beyond the surface level of the text. Attempts at making connections are evident.
Adequate 11-15

Commentary remains mostly at the surface level. The commentary suggests thought in specific sections of the text rather than throughout. Little attempt to make connections.
Inadequate 6-10 pts

Commentary is all basic; No attempt to make connections.
Frequency and Neatness

Excellent 21-25 pts

Consistent markings appear throughout text (not bunched); They are legible and neat
Proficient 16-20 pts

Some lapses in entires exist; may be sporadic; they are mostly legible and neat
Adequate 11-15

Markings are bunched; may or may not be legible and neat
Inadequate 6-10 pts

Few markings, if any; illegible.
Key Information

Excellent 21-25 pts

Notes are well utilized in the front of the book indicating key events, characters, and unfamiliar vocabulary in an organized manner
Proficient 16-20 pts

Some notes appear in the front of the book to indicate key events, characters, and/or unfamiliar vocabulary; somewhat organized
Adequate 11-15

A few notes appear in the front of to indicate key events, characters, and/or unfamiliar vocabulary. Not very well organized.
Inadequate 6-10 pts

Little, if any, notes appear in the front of the book or they do not represent key information.



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