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iRubric: Enlaces Moleculares rubric

iRubric: Enlaces Moleculares rubric

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Enlaces Moleculares 
This type of rubric will be used to assess students performance on multiple choice questions
Rubric Code: S249859
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Subject: Chemistry  
Type: Quiz  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Enlaces Moleculares

10 pts


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Qué modelo molecular se multiple Choice Questions


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
¿Qué tipo de cargas se atraen mutuamente en los en


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
Qué tipo de fuerza mantiene unidos a los átomos en


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
Qué ocurre con los electrones en un enlace iónico?


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
Cuál es una característica de los enlaces covalent


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
Qué tipo de átomos forman enlaces covalentes?


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
Qué tipo de enlace se da entre átomos no metales?


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
Qué representa la flecha en el diagrama?


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
Qué elemento no se representa en el modelo de espa


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D
Cuántos átomos tiene un elemento atómico en su uni


Chosen only one correct answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

Chosen the incorrect answer out of the 2 given options namely A B C D

Chosen one and above answer out of the 4 given options namely A B C D

  • Moleculas, ionicos, covalentes

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