Screencast Rubric
Use this rubric to evaluate students' screencasts.
4 Exemplary Screencast
4 pts
3 Proficient Screencast
3 pts
2 Needs-Improvement Screencast
2 pts
1- Re-do Screencast
1 pts
Before you press "RECORD"... write and rehearse!
Written script includes all steps to solve the equation
Script is neatly hand-written or typed
Written script includes most of the steps to solve the equation
Script is neatly hand-written or typed
2 Needs-Improvement Screencast
Written script includes some of the steps to solve the equation
Script is neatly hand-written or typed
Written script lacks clarity regarding the steps to solve the equation
Script is not neatly hand-written or typed
Ask a peer and/or parent to review your math work before you create your video.
All information is accurate, computations are correct and the steps are accurate
All information is on-topic & presented in a logical order
Includes multiple correct methods to solve the equation OR includes error analysis of common student mistakes
All information is accurate
All information is on-topic & presented in a logical order
Includes one method to solve
2 Needs-Improvement Screencast
Some ideas are inaccurate
Some ideas are out of order
Includes one method to solve
Re-write script after researching accurate information
Re-order ideas to make sure the order makes sense
Revise script to include correct solution strategies
Let's get this screencast started on the right foot!
Purpose of the screencast is clearly & creatively stated
Draws the audience in with compelling questions or exciting hook
Screencaster introduces self clearly & creatively, including the student's FIRST NAME only
Purpose of screencast is clearly stated
Appeals to audience with a question or hook
Screencaster introduces self using student's FIRST NAME only
2 Needs-Improvement Screencast
Purpose of screencast is stated (but unclear)
Lacks appeal or relevance for audience
FIRST NAME stated, but not clear
Revise script to include the purpose of screencast
Revise script to appear more interesting or relevant to audience
Make sure to include screen caster's FIRST NAME introduction
Effective communication is a must.
All spoken sentences are grammatically correct
No slang or short-hand
Some errors in grammar
Some slang or short-hand
2 Needs-Improvement Screencast
Many grammatical errors
Grammar or slang interferes with viewers’ comprehension of the mathematics
Need to edit script due to grammatical errors
Re-record to ensure speech is clear and professional
Not too long... not too short... just right.
Screencast length keeps the audience interested & engaged
Video length is between 1:30 and 2:30
Screencast length is just right (not too long, not too short)
2 Needs-Improvement Screencast
Screencast length is adequate
Rehearse more
Revise timing to better use screencast technology
Student finds creative ways to show or demonstrate the solution on screen
Visuals are organized and easy to read
Every movement on screen has a purpose that supports the solution
Visuals are organized and generally easy to read
2 Needs-Improvement Screencast
Some accidental or unrelated movements on-screen
Visuals are organized but lack neatness
Re-record screencast with movements or actions that support the solution
Re-do visuals so they are organized and legible
Extremely well-rehearsed, smooth delivery in a conversational style
Voice is clear, expressive, and appropriately enthusiastic
Voice volume enhances presentation.
Free of background noise, fumble sounds or dead space
Well-rehearsed & almost always smooth delivery
Voice is clear and expressive
Voice volume fits presentation
Some extra noise or dead space that does not interfere with meaning
2 Needs-Improvement Screencast
Adequate rehearsal, but sometimes mechanical
Some parts of the audio need to be re-recorded to increase clarity or expression
Too noisy in background
Try re-recording in a quieter room or use a different microphone
Practice your presentation until it doesn’t sound like you are reading
Make sure explanation sounds expressive & rhythmic
Speed up or slow down
Re-record your screencast in a quiet room, without any long pauses, silliness, or “ums”