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iRubric: Human Body Systems Project rubric

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Human Body Systems Project 
Student will create a project to demonstrate his/her knowledge about an assigned human body system. Student will address all of the organs in the system, the functions within the body system and why the body system is important for survival. A one page written, or half page typed (double space) report on how the system works will be required as part of the project.
Rubric Code: R24A644
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Human Body System Project
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  Beginning Steps

3 pts

Nearing Proficient

6 pts


9 pts


12 pts

Chosen Body System is evident

Student is assigned a human body system: Digestive, Respiratory, Nervous, Circulatory, Muscular, Skeletal, Endocrine.

Beginning Steps

No title on project or evidence of assigned body system.
Nearing Proficient

Assigned body system is evident and the title is noted.

Title is clean and easily readable.

Title is original, colorful and easily readable.
System organs

All organs within the assigned body system are clearly labeled and correctly displayed on the poster

Beginning Steps

None - 1 organ are included. Organs are not labeled or correctly spelled.
Nearing Proficient

2-3 organs are included and labeled and spelled correctly. Writing is somewhat neat and can be read.

3-4 organs are included and spelled correctly. Writing is somewhat neat or neat and can be read.

All of the organs included are labeled and correctly spelled. Writing is extremely neat and easy to read.
Functions of System

Functions of organs in the assigned body system are discussed and explained.

Beginning Steps

Did not appear prepared to discuss their system; could not answer questions about their system; notes on system were inadequate
Nearing Proficient

Need to refer to their notes frequently; could not answer questions about their organ system.

Spoke directly to the audience and included how their organ system interacted with at least one other organ system.

Spoke directly to the audience and included how their organ system interacted with at least one other organ system.

Individual creativity (artwork, diagrams, etc.) is included on poster or model.

Beginning Steps

No extra color or artwork is included. Used only one medium type. Overall appearance is rushed and sloppily done.
Nearing Proficient

Artwork and diagrams are included. Two or more mediums are used in the project but no extra color, or detail is utilized to draw interest. The project is neat but basic, giving the impression that not much planning or time went into creating it.

The project is colorful, detailed, and original artwork and diagrams are used. Multiple mediums used for interest and diversity. The project is neat and well planned out showing care and time went into creating it. Project reflects grade level expectations.

The project is colorful, detailed, and original artwork and diagrams are used along with text. Multiple mediums used to create interest and diversity. The project is complete in every way, neat, and well planned out. Fantastic!!



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