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iRubric: Create Your Own Political Party Power Point rubric

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Create Your Own Political Party Power Point 
In pairs, students will create their own political party. It will reflect their political beliefs on several issues. The presentation will culminate in a rhetorical speech meant to persuade the audience to believe in the new party. (Individual 5 minutes, pair 7-8 minutes, 3 people 10 minutes, 4 people ca. 12 minutes)
Rubric Code: R24665B
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

Powered by iRubric Political Party
Each Category carries a different weight.






Name and Platform

10 Excellent
8 Good
6 Fair


The political party has both a creative and relevant name. The platform is clear and specifically designed for a specific audience. Clearly show where your party lies on the political spectrum and which party historically you are similar to.

The political party has a creative name. It isn't relevant but there it is thoughtful in nature.
The platform is clear if a bit ambiguous.

The political party has a name that is neither creative or relevant.

The platform is weak or non existent.
Synopses of Issues

30 Excellent
25 Good
20 Fair


Your political party has clearly addressed all 10 issues in clear detail.
Your political party has also clearly identified solutions to each issue.
Issues are ranked in order of importance to the party.

Your political party has addressed 8 or more issues in detail.
Your political party has offered solutions for most of the issues.
Issues are ranked.

Your political party has addressed some of the issues.
Your political party has offered few solutions to the issues.
Issues are somewhat ranked or not at all.
Slogan and Poster

10 Excellent
8 Good
6 Fair


The poster features the slogan prominently. The party's 5 main issues are implemented within the design of the poster through the use of symbols, words, etc. (Minimum 8 1/2" x 11" to a maximum of 2' x 3')

The poster covers the party's positions and its slogan does appear, albeit not in a manner that would make it easy to identify.

The poster presents a slogan and some imagery but is lacking in thoughtfulness or creativity.
Song or Button

10 Excellent
8 Good
6 Fair


Button is concise but creative and representative of the party.

The song captures the party's beliefs creatively and effectively.

Button represents the party's ideas but is basic in design.

The song somewhat captures the party's beliefs.

The button is so basic that it makes it unmemorable.

The song captures little of what the party is supposed to represent.
Rhetorical Speech

20 Excellent
17 Good
14 Fair


An equal balance between ethos, pathos, and logos creates a speech that reflects an understanding of the audience by presenting the political party as one that can be trusted to execute its vision.

The balance between ethos, pathos, and logos isn't perfect but an effort is shown. The speech shows some understanding of the intended audience.

The speech revolves on two or fewer of Aristotle's forms. It lacks a real understanding of the party's intended audience.
Left, Right or Center?

20 Excellent
17 Good
14 Fair


Where on the political spectrum does your party exist? Which party would be the most similar to yours? Give as many pros and cons of your party then a party historically you are similar to. (5 pros and 5 cons for your party and a historic party). WHY IS YOUR PARTY BETTER?

Where on the political spectrum does your party exist? Which party would be the most similar to yours? Give as many pros and cons of your party then a party historically you are similar to. ( 3 pros and 3 cons)

Where on the political spectrum does your party exist? Which party would be the most similar to yours? Give as many pros and cons of your party , then a party historically you are similar to. ( 1 pros and 1 cons)

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