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iRubric: Junior High Writing Journals rubric

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Junior High Writing Journals 
Journal evaluation
Rubric Code: R243858
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Writing Journal
  Exceeds Expectations

5 pts


3 pts

Needs Improvement

1 pts

Completion of each day with dates

Exceeds Expectations

Journal entries are completed using textual references and gives detailed personal responses that respond fully to the prompt. (and may also use creativity, run down a "rabbit hole" but then return to the subject in the wrap up sentence).

Journal entries are somewhat complete, and uses textual references or gives detailed personal responses that showed an understanding of what was being read.
Needs Improvement

Journal entries are incomplete, may lack uses textual references or personal responses that relate to prompt. Overall response lacked important details showing understanding of what was being read.
Response Quality

Exceeds Expectations

Responses are fully developed and strongly on-topic. The response starts with the topic, may go off on a tangent, but returns back to the initial topic in the final sentence.

Responses are acceptably developed and remain on-topic for the most part.
Needs Improvement

Responses are underdeveloped and do not remain on-topic.
Response Length

Exceeds Expectations

More than 1/2 of the page has been completed for any writing assignment or topic given for the journals.

About 1/2 of the page has been completed.
Needs Improvement

Less than 1/2 of the page has been completed.
Organization and Mechanics

Exceeds Expectations

Student utilizes superior organization in their response that adds to overall development of response. Response also has very few grammatical and mechanical errors. Month headings, dates, Idioms, Gratitudes indicated. Conventions are important unless it is a speed write.

Student attempts organization with structures such as paragraphs and transitions. Response has limited grammatical and mechanical errors that do not interfere with meaning.
Needs Improvement

Student does not use organizing structures to organize response. Entry has grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere with meaning.

  • writing journal


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