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iRubric: Debate on youth criminal justice system in Canada rubric

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Debate on youth criminal justice system in Canada 
Debate rubric to give an idea of debate requirements for those who have never debated. Topic: The youth criminal justice system is fair and equitable for youth in Canada for grade 9 Alberta Social Studies.
Rubric Code: Q243AC4
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Debate
  Level 5

5 pts

Level 4

4 pts

Level 3

3 pts

Level 2

2 pts

Understanding of Topic

The team understood the topic and worked well together to create strong and valid arguments. Those not speaking were listening and ready with their points on cards to hand to the speakers.

Level 5

The team clearly understood the topic in-depth and presented the information convincingly.
Level 4

The team understood the topic in-depth and presented the information with ease.
Level 3

The team seemed to understand the main points of the topic and presented those with some efficiency.
Level 2

The team did not show an adequate understanding of the topic.
Opening Statement

Opening statement for or against whether the justice system is fair and equitable for youth in Canada.

Level 5

Opening statement clearly defines the viewpoint of the team and briefly lists their major points in a clever and interesting way.
Level 4

Opening statement clearly defines the viewpoint of the team and briefly lists their major points in a somewhat interesting way.
Level 3

Opening statement attempts to clearly define the viewpoint of the team and briefly list major points.
Level 2

Opening statement doesn't define the viewpoint and doesn't list major reasons.
Caseline: Outline what you will present

Define: the argument and your position clarifying the terms such as: what is "youth" (ages), what is the criminal justice system, what is equitable and what is fair.

Level 5

Clearly expresses their viewpoint, including at least 4 points and examples to support their answer in a highly persuasive manner.
Level 4

Clearly expresses their viewpoint, including at least 3 points and examples to support their answer in a highly persuasive manner.
Level 3

Attempts to clearly expresses their viewpoint, including at least 2 points and examples to support their answer in a highly persuasive manner.
Level 2

Attempts to clearly express their viewpoint, including only 1 point and example to support their answer.

Points supporting stance. Major points you will be making. It is/is not fair and equitable for youth due to (make your points here)

Level 5

Clearly expresses their viewpoint, including at least 5 details and examples to support their answer in a highly persuasive manner.
Level 4

Clearly expresses their viewpoint, including at least 4 details and examples to support their answer in a somewhat interesting way.
Level 3

Attempts to clearly express their viewpoint, including only 3 details and examples to support their answer.
Level 2

Attempts to clearly express their viewpoint, including only 3 details and example to support their answer.

Have your facts (and where you got them) ready!

Level 5

All counter-arguments were accurate, relevant and strong. Was able to accurately defend position.
Level 4

Majority of counter-arguments were accurate, relevant and strong. Was able to defend position.
Level 3

Some of counter arguments were accurate, relevant and strong. Was somewhat able to defend position.
Level 2

Counter-arguments were not accurate and/or relevant. Was unable to defend position.
Concluding Statements

In conclusion we believe the criminal justice system is/is not fair and equitable for youth in Canada because... f

Level 5

Concluding statement clearly sums up the viewpoint of the team and briefly lists their 3 major points in a clever and interesting way.
Level 4

Concluding statement clearly sums up the viewpoint of the team and briefly lists their 3 major points in a somewhat interesting way.
Level 3

Opening statement attempts to clearly sum up the viewpoint of the team and briefly lists 2 major points.
Level 2

Opening statement doesn't sum up the viewpoint and doesn't list major reasons.
Respect for Other Team

Not trying to talk over the other team, waiting respectfully and listening intently so you can make good points!

Level 5

All statements and responses were respectful and appropriate. Never interrupted or talked over other team members.
Level 4

Most statements and responses were respectful and appropriate. Never interrupted or talked over other team members.
Level 3

Most statements and responses were respectful and appropriate. Seldom interrupted or talked over other team members.
Level 2

Statements and responses were consistently not respectful. Consistently interrupted other team or talked over other team members.

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