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iRubric: Short Film rubric

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Short Film 
Students will create a dialogue and use it to create and perform a short film on ati-drug awareness. Students are not to showcase that setting is a school.
Rubric Code: PXB4X7W
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Short Film 5 Day Project

0 pts


10 pts


25 pts



Weak dialogue that creates confusion within the scenario. Language and actions do not correlate with the scenario. Little thought is demonstrated and characters are undeveloped through actions and language.

Decent dialogue that relatively makes sense with the scenario. Some language or direction of actions is out of place and only helps a little towards the development of characters. Some thought demonstrated. Little action is writen in.
Some grammatical errors and format is not always correct.

Strong dialogue that correlates and makes sense with the scenario. Demonstrates thought and helps develop the characters through action and language. Is written in proper format and is threaded with certain, specific actions. Proper grammar is used
Setting and Props


Setting is not realistic to the scenario. Students did very little to provide a setting and relied on teacher heavily to provide a setting. The dialogue and scenario do not correlate well with the setting. Props not used at all or have little to do with scene. Creativity and effort is hard to find.

Setting can be a realistic representation of the scenario with a little imagination. The dialogue and setting are roughly harmonious with each other but does weaken the reality of the short film. Little prop use. If used, does little to help support the reality of the scene. For the most part, things correlate well but somethings seem out of place. Creativity and effort is demonstrated but could be improved.

Setting is a realistic representation of the scenario. The dialogue and setting are in harmony with each other and strengthen the film. Props are properly used and help support the reality of the scene. Nothing seems out of place and creativity and effort is demonstrated as a result.
Camera Shots/Scene Cordination


Poor use of graphic organizer. Drawings and details do not assist in the shooting of film.

Good use of graphic organizer. Drawings somewhat represent camera shots or angle. Some details are included. Does assist a little in the shooting of film

Great use of graphic organizer. Drawings represent the camera shot or angle. Written details on how shot should take place. Is in order and assist the shooting of film.
Overall effort


Wasted a lot of time. Failed to complete all of the requirements on time. Need constant monitoring. Demonstrated poor effort throughout.

Wasted some time but got the job done when needed. Some teacher prompts needed. Demonstrated good effort throughout.

When given the time to work, focused on work. Little to no prompts needed from teacher to continue working. Demonstrated great effort throughout.



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