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iRubric: Relief Printmaking/ 3 Print Edition rubric

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Relief Printmaking/ 3 Print Edition 
Students are creating a lino block design, cut and print the image 5 times.
Rubric Code: P24ACAA
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Lino cut Printmaking
  level 4

4 pts

level 3

3 pts

level 2

2 pts

level 1

1 pts


level 4

The student shows superior knowledge of the principles and elements of design with regard to the composition of the subject matter for this series of prints.
level 3

The student shows good knowledge of the principles and elements of design with regard to the composition of the subject matter for this series of prints.
level 2

The student shows limited knowledge of the principles and elements of design with regard to the composition of the subject matter for this series of prints.
level 1

The student design / composition shows limited or no preplanning. The space filled in an awkward haphazard or illegible manner.

level 4

The drawing is superior in skill and concept and fills the spece in a creative or orignal way.
level 3

Drawing is legible and competent in skill or concept, yet fills the space in an expected or pat manner.
level 2

Drawing is legible but limited in skill or concept. The space is not filled in an interesting manner.
The work may have smears or stray marks.
level 1

Drawing is illegible as an image. The image is messy, smeared, ripped or printed in the wrong format.

level 4

Student displays superior skills in using carving tools and materials for the design of the drawing.
level 3

Student shows knowledge and experimentation with tools, needs more practice with tools or selection of other sized tools for design.
level 2

Carving is complete, but without much planning, needs work.
level 1

Carving is done poorly, no care going into the skills of carving.
Prints/ Print quality

level 4

All 5 prints in the edtion are turned and all 5 are of excellent quality. All parts of the image and the edges of the block are crisp and clear. All of the prints are titled, signed/dated, and numbered.
level 3

All 3 prints in the edition are turned in. 3k or more of the prints are of very good quality, with even paint coverage and crisp edges. Most of the prints are titled, signed/ dated, and numbered.
level 2

All 3 prints in the edition are turned in.2 or more of the prints are good quality, with even coverage and crisp edges . The prints are mostly titled, signed, numbered and dated correctly in pencil.
level 1

Fewer then 3 prints turned in. Prints are messy, damaged or smeared.
None of the prints have been numbered correctly in pencil.
Overall effort/care of materials.

level 4

The student is almost always on task in the studio, follows the directions for the project the first time they are given, and cleansup their work area in a timely fashion.
level 3

The student is sometimes off task, follows directions for the project, and cleans up his/her work area in a timely fashion.
level 2

The student is frequently off task in the studio, may not follow directions, or delays cleanup.
level 1

The student is frequently off task in the studio, does not follow directions, or refuses to participate in the project fully.
Student may misuse, waste or destroy art materials carelessly.
Student may leave a mess.

  • Print, brayer, barren, plate/block, relief, lino-cut


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