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iRubric: PE Assessment rubric

iRubric: PE Assessment rubric

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PE Assessment 
Assessing the PE course assessments
Rubric Code: LXCA368
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Public Rubric
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric PE assessment

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts


1 pts



The students has completed the task smoothly and on time with ease. Student kept the goal of the exercise in mind and was efficient in their execution of the task.

The student accomplished the task but needed either a little help or experimentation to complete it. The limitations were almost reached. The student was aware of the main goal through most of the activity. Student seeks help if required.

Student is approaching or has reached the edge of their ability. They may have failed at the task by only a little. The student has attempted a few ways to complete the task and sometimes kept the goal in mind. Student seeks help when needed.

The student has failed at the goal of the lesson and has only tried one or two ways to complete the task. Student forgot or was uncaring of the ultimate goal or task. Student hasn't even tried to seek help.


Student maintains a high pace throughout the exercise and their heart rate does not exceed the maximum. Student is consistent with the pace of their activity and is capable of continuing the activity if needed.

The student was able to mostly maintain the pacing for the exercise. The heart rate was a little too high or too low. At the end the student might have a little difficulty continuing the exercise if asked.

The student went too fast or too slow for some of the exercise which left them either unable to complete the task or too far behind to come back easily. At the end of the exercise, the student was only able to walk and barely able to talk when done or is barely breathing heavily.

Student was completely unable to maintain a pace through the lesson. Either too fast and burnt out or too slow and not working. At the end was completely unable to do anything after the lesson or looked like they were not working at all through the lesson.


Student is able to do the exercise correctly, smoothly and with confidence. Student does not hesitate and is able to do the exercise in new situations and with alterations.

The student was able to complete the task with little to no compensatory actions. There is minimal hesitation or thought in how to achieve the movements. The student is able to adapt the movement to new situations.

The student is able to do the exercise mostly correctly with some corrections and compensation. There is some hesitation in what hand or foot to put down first. There needs to be some instruction in adapting the movements to new situations.

The student is unable to currently do the movement correctly. There are no adaptations to the movement to try to complete the task or for new situations.


Student makes sure that other teammates are involved with the game, discussions and has an active part in the game. The words they use are positive and non judgemental. Language is always constructive for improvement of the person. Student works equally with others to achieve the goal. Comments made are always about the action and never personal.

Student mostly encourages teammates to succeed. the student tries to bring in others who may be needing encouragement. The language they use is mostly positive and encouraging. Student mostly works with others to achieve the goal. Comments made are mostly about the game and any personal comments are corrected quickly.

Student has some positive words for the group but is sometimes judgemental and sometimes used blaming or negative language that makes others feel bad. The student may recognise this and apologise. The student may not recognise that some students are left out of the group immediately. Student sometimes works with others to achieve the goal but seeks to complete the task for themselves a lot. Comments are sometimes about the game but some personal comments.

Student isn't welcoming to new members of the team discussion or part of the game. The language they use is abusive or extremely judgemental. Comments are about the person and not the action.


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