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iRubric: End-of-Topic Quiz on Water Treatment Plants Rubric

iRubric: End-of-Topic Quiz on Water Treatment Plants Rubric

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End-of-Topic Quiz on Water Treatment Plants Rubric 
This is a quiz based on what you learnt under water treatment plant topic
Rubric Code: K249653
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Public Rubric
Subject: Chemistry  
Type: Quiz  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Criteria
  level 1


level 2


level 3


level 4


Understanding of Water Treatment

level 1

Student demonstrates little to no understanding of the processes involved in water treatment plants.
level 2

Student demonstrates a basic understanding of some processes involved in water treatment plants, but there are significant inaccuracies or misconceptions present. Explanation lacks depth and clarity.
level 3

Student demonstrates a good understanding of most processes involved in water treatment plants, with some minor inaccuracies or omissions. Overall, concepts are explained adequately.
level 4

Student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the processes involved in water treatment plants, including coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and pH adjustment. Concepts are explained accurately and comprehensively.
Application of Concepts

level 1

Student demonstrates little to no ability to apply knowledge of water treatment processes to analyze problems or scenarios. Solutions lack coherence or relevance.
level 2

Student attempts to apply knowledge of water treatment processes to analyze problems or scenarios, but solutions are incomplete or contain significant errors. Limited evidence or justification is provided.
level 3

Student applies knowledge of water treatment processes to analyze and solve problems or scenarios related to water quality and treatment plant operations. Solutions are generally accurate and logical.
level 4

Student effectively applies knowledge of water treatment processes to analyze and solve complex problems or scenarios related to water quality and treatment plant operations. Solutions are well-reasoned and supported with evidence.
Critical Thinking and Analysis

level 1

Student demonstrates little to no critical thinking in analyzing aspects of water treatment. Analysis is absent or illogical.
level 2

Student attempts to engage in critical thinking by analyzing some aspects of water treatment, but analysis is superficial or lacks coherence. Limited evidence is provided to support conclusions.
level 3

Student demonstrates competent critical thinking by analyzing and evaluating some aspects of water treatment, but may lack depth or overlook certain factors. Analysis is generally supported with evidence.
level 4

Student demonstrates insightful critical thinking by analyzing and evaluating various aspects of water treatment, such as environmental impacts, efficiency of treatment methods, and potential improvements. Analysis is thorough and supported with relevant evidence.
Communication and Presentation

level 1

Student struggles to communicate ideas and information clearly or coherently. Responses are poorly structured and contain numerous grammatical errors. Visual aids or diagrams, if present, do not enhance understanding.
level 2

Student communicates ideas and information using language that is somewhat unclear or disorganized. Responses may lack structure or coherence, and grammatical errors are noticeable. Visual aids or diagrams, if present, are ineffective or insufficient.
level 3

Student communicates ideas and information using mostly clear and organized language. Responses are generally well-structured and coherent, with minimal grammatical errors. Visual aids or diagrams may be present but could be improved for clarity.
level 4

Student effectively communicates ideas and information using clear and organized language. Responses are well-structured, coherent, and free of grammatical errors. Visual aids or diagrams are used effectively to enhance understanding.

  • water treatment plant


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