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Rubric Code: HXBB863
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Public Rubric
Subject: Engineering  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Project Report Rubric
Project Report

5 pts


4 pts


3 pts


2 pts

40 % Overall summary of work.
Visual Format and Organization
1 pts

Formatting refers to the appearance or presentation of the proposal.


• The document is visually and professionally appealing and easily navigated.
• The format and aesthetic professionally responds to the report content.
• Appropriate typography and usage of white space are used fittingly to separate blocks of text and add emphasis.

• The document is visually appealing and is organized.
• The format neutrally responds to the report content.
• Use of white space and typography help the reader navigate the document, although the layout could be more effective.

• The format provides little to no response report content.
• Errors in the Table of Contents are present.
• Within sections, the order in which ideas are presented is occasionally confusing.
• Use of white space and typography complicate the reader to navigate the document.

• The document is not visually appealing and there are few “cues” to help the reader navigate the document.
• There is no apparent ordering of paragraphs or sections and thus there is no progressive flow of ideas.
1 pts

Use of headings and subheadings.


Headings follow the required format. Subheadings aid the understanding of the structure of the document. Page numbers begin with the Team Executive Summaries

Headings following the required format. Some subheadings are used, but they are not used consistently or are not all helpful in understanding the structure of the document. Page numbers begin other than the Team Executive Summaries

Required headings are not used or material is clearly under the wrong heading.
No page numbers.

No headings are used. No page numbers used.
Organization Paragraphs
2 pts

The organization of individual paragraphs.


Contain a central idea and has a unified development of paragraphs. CAST

Contain a central idea, but development of paragraph is less unified. CAST

Contains a central idea, but paragraph does not develop. No CAST

Paragraphs are random lists of sentences that are not related to some central idea. No CAST
Grammar and Spelling
3 pts

Document is to be written in 3rd person passive. (NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS)


• Sentences are complete and grammatical. They flow together easily.
• Words are chosen for their precise meaning.
• Engineering terms and jargon are used
• No grammatical or spelling errors

• For the most part, sentences are complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. Any errors are minor and do not distract the reader.
• Repetition of words and phrases is mostly avoided.
• For the most part, terms and jargon are used correctly with some attempt to define them.
• 1 - 3 minor grammatical or spelling errors.

• In a few places, errors in sentence structure and grammar distract the reader and interfere with meaning.
• Word choice could be improved.
• Occasionally, technical jargon is used without definition.
• 3-5 grammatical or spelling errors.

• Errors in sentence structure and grammar are frequent enough that they distract the reader and interfere with meaning.
• There is unnecessary repetition of the same words and phrases.
• There is an over use of jargon and technical terms without adequate explanation of their meaning.
• 5+ Grammatical and spelling errors impact the ability to read the document.
1 pts

Includes photographs, drawings and analytical graphics.


All photos, drawings and graphics are of good quality, clearly labeled, and referred to in the text. Photos and drawings that are needed to support the text are present.Correct APA source utilized.

Some problems with format, labeling, or referencing to photos or drawings. Most, but not all, of the photos and drawings that are needed to support the text are present. APA sourced utilized with 1-3 errors

Many problems with format, labeling, or referencing to photos or drawings. Many of the photos or drawings that are needed to support the text are missing. Sourced but not according to APA

Almost all of the photos and drawings have problems with format, labelling, or referencing. Most of the photos or drawings that are needed to support the text are missing. Not sourced.
10 %
Title Page
1 pts

Completion of information


Date, Project Title, & Team members all included accurately. Graphic included. Title page is considered page i and its backside ii.

Almost all of the requested information included accurately. 1 missing.Title page is considered page i and its backside ii.

Most of the requested information included or all of the information included with some errors. 2 missing. No numeral indicated.

Some important information missing and/or some significant errors. 3 missing. No numeral indicated.
Table of Contents
1 pts

Typically included in a document longer than ten pages. Previews the work contained and allows audience to seek specific information.


Professionally formatted. Headings used are those found on pages. All page numbers complete. Page iii.

Professionally formatted. Headings deviate slightly than those found on pages. All page numbers complete. Page iii.

Well formatted with some disorganization in order. Headings deviate slightly than those found on pages. Page numbers not complete. No numeral indicated.

Disorganized format. Headings do not correspond with those found on pages. Page numbers incomplete. No numeral indicated.
250 % Overall summary of work.
4 pts

One to multiple paragraphs explaining importance of project management, reasons and goals of summary and limitations. It gives audience the report's purpose, scope and context necessary to understand the detailed information in the rest of the report.


Introduction professionally states the purpose of the report and identifies the problem statement and context to which the report was undertaken including constraints and criteria. Its language respects its audience, is engaging, and previews the project’s structure.

Introduction states the purpose of the report and identifies the problem statement and context to which the report was undertaken including most of the constraints and criteria. Its language addresses its audience.

Introduction states the purpose of the report.
It does not fully identify the problem nor context to which the report was undertaken and only few constraints and criteria. Its language addresses the audience.

Introduction states the purpose of the report.
It does not identify the problem nor context to which the report was undertaken nor constraints and criteria. Its language ignores the audience.
Executive Summary
5 pts

Provides a complete overview of the team


The executive summary includes: a clear, coherent, easily readable & accurate paragraph; consists of complete sentences free from grammatical error; and includes the right amount of detail. States summary of the team and includes its mission statement. Introduces the team's website and identifies link. Background information and talents of each member of the team are eloquently summarized as well as the role he/she has in the project. Professional photographs of each member included

Has a mostly clear, coherent, readable and/or accurate paragraph and/or consists of mostly complete sentences with only a few errors, and/or includes almost right amount of detail. One item missing from elements required. Photographs of each member included.

Has some clarity, coherence, readability with some inaccuracies and/or consists of some sentences with some grammatical errors and/or a little too brief or too excessive with the details. Two items missing from elements required. Photographs included.

Unclear and/or incoherent and/or incomplete paragraph with poorly composed sentences and/or insufficient or excessive detail. 3+ items are missing from elements required.
Approach to Eng Design Process
5 pts

Summarizes and evaluates your summary of the Engineering Design Process.


Engineering design process is clearly introduced with a description of its importance.Summarizes all of the steps and methods used including any techniques, measurements and/or calculations in an organized, logical & coherent way. Easy to read & understand. Accurate. Creative.

Engineering design process is introduced with a description of its use. Summarizes most of the steps and methods used including techniques, measurements or calculations. Mostly organized, logical & coherent. Readable & understandable. Mostly accurate with only a few errors.

Engineering design process is somewhat introduced. Description somewhat organized, logical and coherent and/or somewhat hard to read or understand and/or some inaccuracies.

No introduction to the engineering design process has been given. Incomplete description and/or disorganized and/or illogical and/or incoherent and/or unreadable sections and/or parts impossible to understand and/or glaring inaccuracies.
Performance Benchmarks
5 pts

Project design specifications and constraints.


The performance benchmarks are professionally introduced.

Criteria/Constraints are clearly listed, detailed, formatted, and prioritized. Criteria are consistently objective and measurable.

Design criteria and constraints have been validated by multiple experts, academic or market sources (APA)

16+ specifications professionally identified according to FORM, FUNCTION, MATERIALS, AESTHETICS ERGONOMICS, SAFETY AND LEGAL ISSUES, COSTS and CONSUMER NEED catego

The performance benchmarks are introduced.

Criteria/constraints are listed, formatted, and prioritized and are generally clear and detailed. Criteria are nearly always objective and measurable. Constraints are generally specific and detailed.

Design criteria and constraints have been validated by one or two experts, academic or market sources. (APA)

16 specifications identified according to categories.

The performance benchmarks are introduced.

Criteria are listed, formatted, and prioritized and are generally clear and somewhat detailed. Criteria are generally objective and measurable.

Constraints are listed and are somewhat specific and detailed.

Design criteria and constraints have been validated by at least one qualified expert, academic or market source.

10-15 specifications have been identified according to categories.

Criteria are listed, formatted, and prioritized but some/all are incomplete and/or lack specificity. Criteria are only sometimes objective and measurable.

Constraints are listed but some are incomplete or lack specificity and detail

Design criteria and constraints have been validated by only one or less expert, academic or market source.

Less than 15 specification according to categories.
Math, Science & Engineering
5 pts

Applications of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physical science, nanotechnology, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, etc. incorporated into your solution.


Math, Science and Engineering Concepts are professionally introduced.

The information included is accurate and completely addresses each component of S.T.E.M as it relates to the assigned topic or research question.

Sources according to APA

Math, Science and Engineering Concepts are introduced.

The information included adequately addresses each component of S.T.E.M as it relates to the assigned topic or research question.

Sources according to APA

Math, Science and Engineering Concepts are minimally introduced.

The information included addresses S.T.E.M. as it relates to the assigned topic or research question but the information included is sometimes inaccurate.


The information included does not address the assigned topic or research question according to S.T.E.M. concepts.
Background Research - Academic
5 pts

Summary of pertinent expert/academic research and patent research.


Relevant, current research is professionally introduced which effectively addresses the problem or answers the question.

Individual summaries are included in the appendix and clearly addressed in the main content of the document.

Relevant, current research is introduced and somewhat effectively addresses the problem or answers the question.

Individual summaries are included in the appendix but not addressed in main content of document.

Current research is cited, but it does not effectively address the problem or answer the question.

Individual summaries are included in the appendix but not addressed in main content of document.

Minimal current research is cited. The research is not credible.

Individual summaries are not included in the appendix.
Past and Current Solution s
5 pts

Marketing Research 4.1


Documentation of past and current solutions is professionally introduced and drawn from a wide array of clearly identified and consistently credible sources; the analysis of past and current attempts to solve the problem – including both strengths and shortcomings – is consistently clear, detailed, and supported by measurable data.

Individual summaries are included in the appendix and clearly addressed in the main content of the document.

Documentation of past and current is introduced and attempts to solve the problem is drawn from a variety of clearly identified and generally credible sources; the analysis of past and current solutions – including both strengths and shortcomings—is clear and is generally detailed and supported by measurable data.

Individual summaries are included in the appendix but not addressed in main content of document.

Documentation of past and current solutions is drawn from a limited number of sources, some of which may not be clearly identified and/or credible; the analysis of past and current solutions—including strengths and/or shortcomings—is overly general and contains little detail and/or supporting measurable data.

Individual summaries are included in the appendix but not addressed in main content of document.

Documentation of past and current solutions is drawn from two or fewer sources that may not be clearly identified and/or credible; the analysis of past and current solutions—including strengths and shortcomings—is vague and is missing any relevant details and/or supporting measurable data.

Individual summaries are not included in the appendix.
Market Research
5 pts

Summary of interviews, surveys, focus groups, observations completed or will be completed


The market research plan details is professionally introduced. It identifies an effective approach to the collection of useful and pertinent data. The plan includes specific details as to planned research methods, tools, target respondents, and administration.

Responses received thus far are eloquently summarized.

Answers all 9 questions of A4.4

The market research tools are included in the appendix and clearly addressed in the main content of the document

The market research plan is introduced. It details an adequate approach to the collection of useful and pertinent data.

The plan includes information as to planned research methods, tools, target respondents, and administration.

Answers 7-8 of 9 questions of A4.4

The market research tools are included in the appendix but not addressed in the main content of the document.

The market research plan indicates a method for the collection of data but will likely result in data that is marginally useful or not pertinent to the problem.

The plan includes nonspecific (general) information as to planned research methods, tools, target respondents, and administration.

Answers 5 -6 of 9 questions of A4.4

The market research tools are included in the appendix but not addressed in the main content of the document.

The market research plan is unclear and lacks details.
Answers less than 5 of 9 questions of A4.4

The market research tools are not included in the appendix.
Plan of Action - Gantt Chart
5 pts

Chart visually and textually represent project schedule


Gantt Chart and project time line is clearly introduced with a description of their importance. All stages are graphically and textually recorded including clear and detailed descriptions. Explanatory texts points out the most significant phases and work of the design process, indicates critical paths, resources and highlights milestones.

Gantt Chart and project time line is introduced with a description of their use. Most stages are graphically and textually recorded including clear and detailed descriptions. Explanatory texts points out many significant phases and work of the design process, most of the critical paths, resources and milestones.

Gantt Chart is somewhat introduced. Some stages are graphically and textually recorded including somewhat clear and detailed descriptions. Explanatory texts relate some portions of phases, critical paths, resources and milestones.

Gantt Chart is simply inserted with no introduction. Few stages are graphically and textually recorded including unclear descriptions . Explanatory texts some do not relate to phase, critical paths, resources and milestones.
4 pts

The conclusion summarizes the learning of each section.


The conclusion addresses what was learned through the research, what remains to be learned, the weakness and shortcomings of activity strength of study and possible application in audience appropriate language.

1 item missing from required. Audience appropriate language.

2-4 items missing from required. Language confusing to audience.

4+ items missing from required. Language inappropriate to audience.
1 pts

Appendices are a brilliant way to incorporate material required in the document but not of the same format.


Appendices clearly stated in the body of the document and professionally included and numbered in the table of contents. Page number and
title clearly evident.

Appendices somewhat stated in the body of the document and included and numbered in the table of contents. Page number and title not clearly

Appendices not stated in the body of the document but included and numbered in the table of contents. Page number and title not

Appendices not included but required.
Sources (References)
1 pts


All resources have been cited according to APA format. No errors.

Limited resources have been cited according to APA format. No errors.

Only 1 resource has been cited according to APA format. 1 error

No resources have been cited according to APA format.




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