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iRubric: Geometry Poster Rubric

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Geometry Poster Rubric 
The students will work on their own to put together a poster. The poster will contain relevant information directly related to the topic selected from our Geometry course. Students must display their knowledge on the topic and present it in a creative manner to the class in a 2 minute overview..
Rubric Code: G24A436
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Public Rubric
Subject: Math  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Geometry Poster Project
  Meets (A work)

4 pts

Good (B work)

3 pts

Fair (C work)

2 pts

Poor (D work)

1 pts

Content Knowledge

Meets (A work)

The poster clearly connects drawings and design to content learned in class about their Geometry topic. The students included equations, drawings, and examples throughout the poster. Students are precise and use correct mathematical language when explaining topics and ideas.
Good (B work)

The poster clearly connects drawings to content learned in class. The students included drawings and equations, and some examples throughout the poster. Students clearly explain topics and ideas through visually appealing representations.
Fair (C work)

The poster mentions something to do with their topic, but there are no clear connections between the posters drawings and material covered in class. Students included either one of the three categories of drawings, equations, and examples but not the others.
Poor (D work)

No poster or incomprehensible poster turned in. The illustrations and material on the poster are not related to linear relations.
Vocabulary Included

Meets (A work)

Students include proper vocabulary used in the textbook and class. They go above and beyond to explain the vocabulary through example or drawings.
Good (B work)

Students use mostly proper vocabulary used in the textbook and in class, with few mistakes in spelling and terminology. They meet expectations of variation in their poster.
Fair (C work)

Students use improper vocabulary or slang that is not related to material covered in their topic.
Poor (D work)

Students do not use proper vocabulary, or any terms to describe poster content.

Meets (A work)

Eye catching. Great use of colors, texture, shapes, and spacing on poster. Artwork is the students own & is neat. Writing is easy to read. Shows the student can express ideas through art.
Good (B work)

Contains students own writing and drawing.Lots of colors, shapes, and appealing design. Shows the student spent time creating an artistic piece.
Fair (C work)

Not very appealing. Limited use of creative materials. Not a lot of color/shapes/design. Most of the drawings/writing is the student's own.
Poor (D work)

Lacks original artwork. Not students own drawing/writing. Not good use of space on poster. Messy. Lacks color, texture.

Meets (A work)

Students present examples and illustrations in a clearly organized manner. They go above and beyond to display information in a creative manner, connecting all content on the page to material covered in their topic and illustrations are very eye catching and stand out.
Good (B work)

Students present illustrations in a clearly organized manner, with clear labels of examples and content, but examples do not stand out on page and could be more creative.
Fair (C work)

Students do not present examples and illustrations in an organized manner. Examples and illustrations do not connect to one another, and fail to be appealing to the eye.
Poor (D work)

Students do not hand in a poster, or hand in a poster with few examples that are not clearly identified and labelled.

  • Language Arts and Math

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