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General science writing assessment 
Used to assess essential and focus question answers or informal lab conclusions. Adapted from FOSS Populations and Ecosystems Course.
Rubric Code: CA57AX
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Writing Assessment
Used to assess essential and focus question answers or informal lab conclusions.

10 pts


8 pts


7 pts

Below Basic

6 pts


0 pts

Answers / Explanations

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The student uses two or more facts to explain a bigger idea by making connections between those facts. All of the information is correct, and the connections are and conclusions are correct.

The student uses two or more facts to attempt to explain a bigger idea by making connections between those facts. The facts or the connections have minor errors.

The student provides two or more facts that are related tot he task or questions asked, but does not make any connections between the facts.
Below Basic

The student provides one fact (evidence) that is related to the task or question asked.

The student does not answer the question, does not complete the task, or gives an answer that has nothing to do with what was asked.



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