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Found 15 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 15 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Self Portrait Grid       popup preview  
Student will enlarge a small photo of themselves using the grid method. Portrait will be in oil pastel, or pencil using Chuck Close as inspiration

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Google Sketchup House       popup preview  

Grade levels:   N/A
3 rubric CONTOUR DRAWING, PAINTED WITH LIMITED COLORS a la KLIMT       popup preview  
Students will learn how to draw with contour lines and then draw a seated model who has some props and is draped with a patterned cloth. Students will review the color wheel and the groups of colors that it indicates. Students will be introduced to Gustav Kilmt and his style of painting with decoration and embellishing with gold and metallics. This rubric measures the final outcome.

Grade levels:   N/A
4 rubric KLIMT, CLOSE, BENNETT, Portrait Drawing       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric 1-point Perspective       popup preview  

Grade levels:   N/A
6 rubric Perspective - 3rd Grade       popup preview  
Students in grade 3 will use the following perspective concepts to create an image: Overlapping of objects, size comparison and page placement of objects

Grade levels:   N/A
7 rubric Drawing Advanced Art: 3 or 4 point perspective       popup preview  
The student will create an original artwork using three or four point perspective of a Float Museum.

Grade levels:   N/A
8 rubric Drawing Advanced Art: 3 or 4 point perspective       popup preview  
The student will create an original artwork using three or four point perspective of a Float Museum.

Grade levels:   N/A
9 rubric CONTOUR DRAWING, PAINTED WITH LIMITED COLORS a la KLIMT       popup preview  
Students will learn how to draw with contour lines and then draw a seated model who has some props and is draped with a patterned cloth. Students will review the color wheel and the groups of colors that it indicates. Students will be introduced to Gustav Kilmt and his style of painting with decoration and embellishing with gold and metallics. This rubric measures the final outcome.

Grade levels:   N/A
10 rubric Mixed Media Animal       popup preview  
Use the 3 following shading techniques in one animal: Pencil shading, colored pencil shading & cross-hatch pen shading

Grade levels:   N/A
11 rubric Creating a dramatic scene with camera angles & dialogue       popup preview  
Basics of video production teamwork to tell a story using provided content-less dialogue (topic open-ended) and designated camera angles. Each team plans their scene using storyboards, actors, directors, cinematographers, and editors. Dialogue cannot be changed, or rearranged. Use dramatic devices, such as pauses and emotions! Any camera angles can be used, but must include at least one of the following: establishing shot, POV, low angle, high angle, depth of field.

Grade levels:  
12 rubric Cubism Creations       popup preview  
Pablo Picasso inspired Synthetic Cubism Painting

Grade levels:   N/A
13 rubric Rubric for Written Critique of Political Cartoon       popup preview  
Students will complete a written critique of a political cartoon, providing essential background material for interpretation. Final product will include an appropriate graphic organizer, completed rough draft, and typed and edited final copy. Please note that Points in upper two levels represent a spread of points (25-24, 23-22etc.) allowing the completed project to be worth up to 100 points and to have point gradations within the categories.

Grade levels:   N/A
14 rubric Rubric for Written Critique of Political Cartoon       popup preview  
Students will complete a written critique of a political cartoon, providing essential background material for interpretation. Final product will include an appropriate graphic organizer, completed rough draft, and typed and edited final copy. Please note that Points in upper two levels represent a spread of points (25-24, 23-22etc.) allowing the completed project to be worth up to 100 points and to have point gradations within the categories.

Grade levels:   N/A
15 rubric Rubric for Written Critique of Political Cartoon       popup preview  
Students will complete a written critique of a political cartoon, providing essential background material for interpretation. Final product will include an appropriate graphic organizer, completed rough draft, and typed and edited final copy. Please note that Points in upper two levels represent a spread of points (25-24, 23-22etc.) allowing the completed project to be worth up to 100 points and to have point gradations within the categories.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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