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Mendoza311's Website

Welcome to Mrs. Mendoza's Beethoven Webpage


The end is near! The 2007-2008 school year is almost at its close. There has been so much accomplished this year by the 3rd grade class of Room 311. Before we say hello to summer, there is much that we need to get done.


First and foremost are the textbooks! All textbooks must be returned before the last day of school. If they are not turned in, then they must be paid for. A list of books will be given to your child with the total amount that is due. If the school does not recieve a text or a payment, then your child's records will be held until it is turned in. Please pay at the office.


ISAT scores are going to be handed to your child by the end of this week. Please look over the scores.


Summer school notices will be handed out this week also. Your child needs to attend summer school if:

  • Final grades are unsatisfactory (F)
  • ISAT scores are less than a 24 in any area
  • The have missed more than 9 days of school


June 10: Primary School Dance (Admission $1)

June 11: Class Pizza Party ($2)

June 12: No School Teacher Institute Day

June 13: Last Day of School; Report Card distribution. Dismissal 10:00 am


