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Tech Trek



The assignment to create a WebQuest from the ground up was the most enjoyable one for me. It allowed for some drama and creativity. It challenged me to use all the pieces of hands-on technology that I’ve learned over the course of this class. It forced me to pull together all the learning theories, assessment ideas, and student technology options that I have been studying and use them to create a polished product—the culmination of an authentic learning activity. 
Using a WebQuest with students appeals to me because it provides enough structure and scaffolding to facilitate learning, yet it is student-directed. Students are moved to preselected websites with the click of a mouse---much like being rapidly transported by a wormhole in space. These sites are the jumping-off points for their research. Students decide which sites to visit and they decide how to use the information contained in each site. They construct learning and apply the information to complete the tasks and create a product.
Click on the wormhole to be transported to my WebQuest.

