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GCPS Middle School Theatre Site


Copies of our A Walk Down Peachtree video should now be at all the middle schools. If you have not received yours or if there was an audio problem with it, send an email to and I'll send you another. Give us some feedback on how your students react to the video. If there are any comments they (or you) have that would help in creating a part two, send them also. The video was created by GCPS middle school drama teachers over the past two years. We hope your kids enjoy the video and are motivated to visit theatre venues downtown! Thanks, Dee, for making the handout to use with the video.

*Remember to add your favorite lessons to the AKS Lesson Plan Database. Share your lessons; they are awesome!

* Send dates for performances and other events to Beverly Fordham for the calendar (performances, festivals, etc. for students and teachers).

*Review guidelines for spending your county allotment for scripts and royalties. Follow proper procedures and SAVE the receipts. Get them to the proper personnel (school bookkeeper).


Remember, your money must be spent by Thanksgiving holidays or you lose it!
