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Knowledge These documents have been chosen to show evidence of my knowledge in various areas related to adult education, instructional design, and technology. This area contents two categories of materials; those from my graduate studies at the University of Phoenix (UOP) and those from my work at Reading Area Community College (RACC). The UOP links contain course portfolios of selected courses I took in the MAED program concentrating in Adult Education and Distance Learning. These documents were chosen to convey my broad base of knowledge in the principles, practices, and techniques of designing, developing, implementing and assessing academic materials. Most are works that I created on my own, however, the program was designed to incorporate team projects into each course. Any team projects are clearly marked with all team members names. I was always an active, contributing, and participatory member of any group to which I was assigned. The RACC link contains three documents. These were chosen to display my knowledge of alternative course delivery in its many facets. The first is an alternative course delivery training plan that I developed for RACC. It is a stand alone document that was conceived and written solely by me. The next two documents are sections of larger self-study documents. In each case, I chaired the task force team that prepared that specific section and had a very significant role in developing and finalizing the document.