Özgür Gültekin's e-PortFolio - TE 536 & TE 546
Aim of this work is integrating computers to real learning environment by regarding different teaching and learning strategies. Our topic was "Thinking Tools" and we focussed on "Mindmaps" for this work. As first product of this work, we prepared a lesson plan by MS Word by regarding fourth grade elementary school students as learner profile and integrated computers to Turkish Lesson. You can see our lesson plan for this work below:
As second product of this work, we prepared a PowerPoint presentation which is about Mindmaps as below:
As third product of this work, we prepared a sample mindmap about the topic of Turkish Lesson by using a mindmap application named as "kidspiration" and then wanted students to work on their mindmaps which are distributed as templates. You can find our product below: