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Jennifer Culbreath  


Enhancing my Discipline

One class that enhanced how I feel and approach nursing was End of Life Care. During this class, we learned how to care for not only the paitent that is dying but also their family. Below is a final reflection journal from the class.


Jennifer Culbreath

April 18, 2006

Final Journal

            I am amazed at what I have learned during End of Life . When I signed up for it, I was worried that it was something I would not enjoy. It has been my favorite class. I have learned the difference between disease focused care and patient focused care. The best part has been learning and seeing holistic care. I had not realized how a nurse really cares for all of the patient’s needs (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional) until I took this class. Also, I think I have pulled away how to be a better communicator not only with my peers but with my patients.

            What I have learned about holistic care amazes me. First, how just being there for the patient to talk to and share with supports not only them but their family. I think the best part is being able to care for a dying patient and the family at the same time. Another part that I had not considered that a nurse does is spiritual care. I have always heard of preachers or pastors being at hospitals, but I now know that they cannot always be there or are not always needed. Sometimes all a patient may need to know is that it is okay for them to feel angry and they just need to talk it out with their God or whomever or whatever they believe in.

            Additionally, I found that a nurse cares for a patient’s social health very interesting. I thought most of the time that patients will get to see their family and friends before they die. But I had not considered people who could not make it or people they would prefer to write a letter. This allows them to socially let go of grudges and heartache that may be keeping them from dying. Something that I had never considered was cultural differences in end of life care. I am very interested in the different ways that cultures deal with pain and death.

            I look forward to being able to use everything that I have learned in my nursing care. I have begun to consider working with patients who are at end of life. I think it would be awesome to help them and their families heal and prepare for death. Also, I am leaving this class with a much better understanding of cultural and geographical differences that will be priceless when I start my career. I feel like I will be able to work with families and patients much better after this course.
