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Lambda Nu Radiologic Honor Society, Georgia Chi Chapter


Time Log







Time Log for Lambda Nu Activities


 Date  Time spent
Follow up                     

 Choose topic/

make proposal

10/28 45min

Topic and proposal approved but goals need to be

revised for ePortfolio.

 Revise goals 11/5 30min  

Research on web, info on graduation cords, pins, etc.     

11/5 30min  Cords- $10, Pins-$6
 Meet w/ Dr. Strickland 11/6 15min Pinned down date for info. meeting for students.
Create and send flyer for info meeting. 11/9 2 hrs

Emailed to Dr. Strickland for approval and email distribution to qualifying students.

 Copy and distribute flyers in RadSci department. 11/10 1 hr  Distributed flyers in student mail boxes and around RadSci department.
 Create and send email to faculty asking for donations for pizza lunch at the meeting. 11/11 20min Sent email to all faculty. Four faculty responded and pizza lunch was donated:)
 Answered student email responses to flyer and faculty responses for pizza donation. 11/12 1 hr A lot of student response from juniors was received. They are in clinic so attending the meeting is not possible.
Registered for Facebook so that I can post alumni information on the AASU page. 11/13 10min Did not post anything due to questions regarding alumni qualifications. It is not clear in the Lambda Nu Constitution.
 Email Ray Winters at Lambda Nu National about charter membership applications and info for new chapters. 11/13 10min As of 12/02, have not heard anything from him.
 Prepare meeting materials 11/16 1 hr Make copies of Constitution, get drinks, paperware and utensils.
 Informational Meeting for students 11/17 1 hr Good response!!! A lot of students attended.
Type meeting minutes and email all prospective members minutes and the Constitution. 11/18 2 hrs  
Meet with Dr. Strickland  11/24 15min  Need to define alumni membership more clearly in the Constitution. No action taken yet...
Type and send student membership application with dues to national organization. 11/25 1 hr Done:)
 Create and send officer eballot for election. 11/25 1 hr Dr. Strickland will collect eballots and count votes.
Send Thank you's to all faculty who donated lunch for the meeting.   11/25 20min Put all Thank you's in faculty mail boxes.
 Meet with Jason Rowe about RadSci Student web page. 12/01 1hr Lambda Nu has a section in the new RadSci student web page- Yeah!
 Email Mrs. Myka Campbell about Alumni Dinner, incorporating induction ceremony for charter members. 12/01 10min



 Pending response

Work on ePortfolio 11/26-12/03  6-7hrs  Done:)