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English 101



I learned that setting goals are more efficient than having dreams. When I set a goal for myself it must have a deadline. That way, I know when to reach it and I will be able to plan out how much time I have to complete each step in reaching that goal. I need to set short-term goals and long term goals. I know I can achieve my goals as long as I want to. When I want to, I am willing to do what ever it takes to meet my goals. If I do not meet a goal, I know that I will learn from my mistakes and re-make that goal and go about it in a very different way. I cannot wait to reach my goals. Everything I do to meet my goals will be worth the feeling of accomplishment in the end.


My Long-term Goals:


1. I will earn a Bachelor of Arts degree by June 2012 from Clemson University.


2. I will study abroad during my college career at Clemson by 2013.


3. I will work for a top notch graphic design company by 2013.


I have always wanted to have a career in art. I am the happiest when I am working on a piece of art. This is the best motivation for reaching all of these goals. Also, I have wanted to go to Clemson University for years. I know how difficult it is to get accepted into Clemson but I am working so hard to get there. Nothing is going to stop me! I will get there, and when I do I will work even harder to graduate with a degree in Graphic Communications. When I graduate, I am going to wake up everyday excited to go to my job because I will get to do what I love the most in life!


My Short-term Goals:


1. I will achieve an A in COL 105, MAT 120, and ART 101 by December 18, 2008.


2. I will achieve a B in ENG 101 and SOC 101 by December 18, 2008.


3. I will achieve at least a 3.0 GPA in order to maintain my Life Scholarship and earn acceptance into Clemson University in the fall of 2009.


4. I will run in the ING Georgia Half Marathon on March, 29 2009.


I have been working very hard to meet my short-term academic goals by December 18, 2008. I want to achieve an A in COL 105, ART 101, and MAT 120. In my two hardest classes, SOC 101 and ENG 101, I would like to earn a B. Another very important short-term goal of mine is maintaining my Life Scholarship, which pays for my college tuition. To do so, I have to have a 3.0 GPA at the end of the academic year. Also, maintaining a 3.0 GPA helps me reach my hardest goal of earning acceptance into Clemson University for the fall semester of 2009. I realize how hard it is to get into Clemson. All of my short-term goals tie together in becoming a student at Clemson University. I know that all of my hard work will pay off when I receive my acceptance letter in the spring. Around this time I will be traveling to Atlanta, Georgia to run in the ING Georgia Half Marathon. I have never run more than 3.2 miles in my life. I know that if I keep up with my training I will be capable of running 13.1 miles. I am in my third week of training and will continue training for 20 weeks. This is something I would never think I could do but when I cross that finish line, I will be so proud of myself for achieving such a once in a life time goal!


