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English 101 Portfolio



Eng 101


         In English 101 I have learned what a thesis statement is, what an introduction contains, what a conclusion contains, and the characteristics of effective body paragraphs. Also, I have learned how to write and organize a cause and effect, compare and contrast, and argument essay. For our argument essay we had to do research. In class, in reading assignments, and during visits to the library I learned how to evaluate sources. In addition, I learned how to cite our sources in MLA format. Another part of the research processes was identifying plagiarism and learning how to avoid it. I was also instructed on how to do research using library databases. Currently, we are learning how to construct an e-portfolio. After we are finished with our e-portfolio we are going to finish writing our research papers.  




For English 101 our professor wanted us to write an argument essay. This essay was not intended to be a historical research paper. I ended up reading and recording information about the North Korean government. I was not looking for a side of an argument to choose. I was learning about a country. I did not follow the directions I had been given. My failure to follow directions resulted in a low “C”. This “C” was a very hard lesson for me. I did not adequately state opposing view points and, that was a major part of our assignment. I did not have paragraph organization. We went over paragraph organization in class and reading assignments. I also failed to follow the directions we had been given on comma use. When I received my paper I was upset. Then I wanted to find some way to blame my professor for my poor results. Then I was “paralyzed” every time I opened a blank word processing document. Now I am thinking about my mistakes. My mistakes resulted in a poor paper. My lack of confidence and comprehension resulted in a passive and distant voice in my final draft. My professor did not fail me. I failed to utilize what I had been taught. I will not be a true college student until I learn how to improve my weak areas. This paper is proof that essay composition, applying what I have learned, and essay composition are three of my biggest weak spots. I plan on working hard in order to improve these weaknesses.

 Click here to view my argument essay.






     Subjective description of this image......        


     This picture represents me because of the gargoyle. I like to observe and find the beauty in the movement and appearance of the things around me. I also like to analyze the meaning behind the things and behavior of people I am around. I look to find inspiration, and I look to find answers. The gargoyle will never move. I interpret this constant stillness as extreme patience. The gargoyle is not judging or looking away he is just attempting to gain an understanding.            
