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Registration Mandate


Reflective Statement

Reflective Statements:



Holly's Reflective Statement:


I have never enjoyed taking leadership classes because I do not consider myself a leader.  I can be a situational leader and accomplish the tasks assigned to me, but I am not a motivator nor do I take charge.  This project made me realize that I do have the potential to become a great leader within the healthcare field. 


My group members and I chose a topic that was important to our field.  All sonographers should be licensed before practicing because they are often required to give preliminary reports to doctors.  Basically, sonographers are able to give an informal diagnosis but are not required to have any formal registration. During this project through promoting awareness within our community for this topic, it led me to discover leadership skills that I thought I was lacking.  I took initiative to push for a just cause. I inspired others through educating them.  I became a leader that motivated and inspired others instead of a follower. 


After completion, I realized that we could make a difference when we work as a team.  Throughout this project I learned the importance of good communication.  I constantly had to contact legislation.  Even though a bill was not created, I do feel successful.  I will be a powerful healthcare leader.






Robbi's Reflective Statement:

I never realized that leadership was such a complicated subject. I always thought that leaders were people that take charge and delegate responsibilities. I did not realize that leadership is a complex process of developing skills and discovering personal values. Throughout this course, I have discovered that if I want to be an effective leader I have some skills that I must develop. I have enjoyed the assignments within this course because they have allowed me to realize what leadership skills I possess and what leadership skills I need to further develop. I will use the knowledge that I have gained in this leadership course to enhance and develop the skills needed to be an effective leader.

This project has allowed my classmates and me to take charge as future healthcare leaders. We have set out to educate others about practicing Diagnostic Medical Sonography. It disappoints me to know that there are people within this profession whom do not intend on obtaining the correct certification to practice. By petitioning state leaders, we have taken direct action in influencing the passage of a bill that will mandate all Medical Sonographers to become registered. I have learned that determination is a value that effective leaders must possess. Our group’s determination allowed us to obtain over one-hundred signatures of supporters to send in to state representatives.


Libby's Reflective Statement:


   Leader is not necessarily an adjective that I associate with myself.  When working in groups, it is necessary to have a leader, but when working in such a strong group like I did, there is not one person who stands out because we all have our different leadership strengths.  For me personally, I feel as though I practice the participatory style of leadership when doing group work.  Everyone needs to work together for a group to be successful in completing their task.  I feel that part of being a leader is to be comfortable in delegating tasks to others and I feel that this project enabled me to practice a delegation style of leadership.  Each person was assigned to work on different areas of our Registraion Mandate bill and that made things run smoothly.  Throughout this project, I have learned that there are some things that I need to work on to become a more effective leader, such as becoming more organized in the tasks that need to be accomplish.  This project helped me to realize that I, as well as my group members will be an effective leaders in the healthcare field.  

       This leadership project enabled my group members and I to try and make a change in the field of Sonography.  Change and constant evolution is something that needs to always happen in the healthcare field, and we were attempting to make a change in order to better the ultrasound field.  When I started in this program, I thought that all sonographers had to be registered/licensed in order to practice like every other field.  It was surprising to my group and I to find out that sonographers do not have to be registered and we felt compelled to change that.  Although there may not be anything to come out of our efforts, hopefully in the future there will be a change.  Leaders need to posses persistance and determination in order to make a change, and that's what it will take in order for this bill to be passed.  By my group members and I sending our efforts to the appropriate state leaders, we are at least making a start in the right direction. 

        This project has taught me that it is not an easy task to be a leader, and it is especially not an easy task to be a leader who is not just managing things already in place, but one who is trying to make a change.  I have also learned that I can be an effective leader in the healthcare field, especially in a group like the one I was in for this project because we all had the same goal, were extremely driven, and all brought a different type of leadership to the table. 
