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sample portfolio


Welcome to the "read me first" page for my sample e-portfolio for soc/cjs200.



SOC/CJS 200 E-Portfolio

Jeff Chin


June 3, 2008


By submitting this work and signing this sheet below, I do hereby make the following declarations.


1.  I have read and understand the materials passed out for this course and assigned at the beginning of the semester on academic honesty and materials on this topic in other places such as the College Catalog and other courses.


2.  I have read and understand the Termpaper Audit Policy.


3.  This paper represents my own work.

·        The words contained herein are my own.

·        Words that are not my own are properly cited and enclosed in quotation marks.


4.  If this work is not my own and not represented as such, I understand the penalties that will result.

·        I may receive a failing grade on the paper

·        I may receive a failing grade for the course

·        I may have a note placed in my official academic file by the Dean.  Two such notes result in automatic expulsion from the College


Signed: __Jeff Chin_____________

