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    California State University, Fullerton Chapter

Why Join?

Joining SCTA was one of the best decisions I made during my time in college. I have been exposed to a countless amount of opportunites, such as, networking, attending conferences, being informed on the education standards, benefits, and so on. However, the main opportunity is developing myself to be the best I can be within the education field. SCTA has been awesome for me and I believe anyone who has a passion and interest in education should join today! 

                                                                                                         - Aeja Lane




I joined SCTA because I wanted to be the best educator I could be. SCTA has provided countless opportunities for me to start working toward that goal NOW- as a student. Through SCTA I have grown as an educator, a leader, and as a professional. Even more, SCTA has provided opportunties for me to network with fellow students, educators, and administrators...the people I'll be working with in the future. Don't wait until you graduate to grow as a professional educator, get plugged in today! 




                                                                          -Michelle Buckner 

                                                               2012- 2013 President





"Exceed in the future, live in the present, and to learn from the past...

Challenge the "Norm": it does not have to be the way it always has been.

Challenge Yourself: step out of your comfort zone.

Change Lives: educate the uneducated.

Open Minds: give a different viewpoint.

Have a Voice: the only way to change an organization is to join it!

Build a Legacy: how do you want to be remembered?"


 -Heidi Jones (Past Officer)



