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At the turn of the century, many agricultural, industrial, and social changes occured in the United States.  Along with this, there was added pressure from various world powers to acquire more land in the "age of empire".  After expanding westward, the American empire was complete, and overseas was the only place left to go.



President Theodore Roosevelt stepped in and organized the Treaty of Portsmouth to ender the bitter conflict between Russia and Japan.


The Root Takahira Agreement was organized in 1908.  Japan and America promised to preserve China's independece, support the Open Door policy, and "recognize eachothers possesions" in the Pacific.


To show the extent of American global reach, Roosevelt sent his "Great White Fleet" on an international cruise.  The Japanese welcomed the Navy with open arms.




Treaty of Paris was signed in 1898.  Cuba recieved independence from Spain.  Spain relinquished control of Puerto Rico and Guam.  The United States acquired the Philippines.


The Platt Amendment said that the U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs when it believed its own interest were threatened.  The U.S. fought for Cuban freedom.



Since the 1890's, U.S. had intervened extensively in the domestic affairs of Latin American nations.


The Roosevelt Corollary said that the united states could act as an "international police power" to all nations exhibiting "chronic wrongdoing".



After resolving problems of Reconstruction and Industrialization, America looked toward Asia and the Pacifice.  Alfed T. Mahan said the Pacific could be "entered and controlled by a vigorous conquest".  He said it was time for Americans to "turn their eyes outward, instead of inward only, to seek the welfare of the country".
