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Need Convincing?

Need Convincing?


An imperialist policy has the potential to achieve short term and long term success for the United States.  Imperialism is believed to have the following positive effects on our nation:


- Increase American influence in world affairs

- Increase economy with new markets & resources

- Spread benign sense of democracy

- Bring the economy out of any financial depression

- Create conditions that can allow for future investments

- Reduce domestic conflict

- Reduce unemployment rates by causing an increased demand from overseas colonies

- Pass on economic benefits to working class

- Appeal to patriotism of the working class


The closing of the frontier was incredibly significant in creating an international empire.  By the late 19th century, all areas withing the U.S. had been settled.  Overseas was the only direction left to expand.  




Moral&Political Arguments

  • more political power is good
  • imperialism fulfills Manifest Destiny
  • America deserves to expand and be world power
  • spread American civilization and democracy
  • colonies can govern themselves


    Racial Arguments

  • Social Darwinism

    • Conquer inferior races
  • Help “inferior” people improve their civilizations and become more modern
  • Would bring improvements in many areas
    • Technology, Education, Culture, Religion, Language, Government


      Economic Arguments

      • Raw materials and resources
      • New markets
      • Free markets
      • A lot of money to be made
      • Cheap labor is good
        • Lower costs for consumers
        • Makes more profits


      American Imagination

      ·        Failure to expand would threaten American growth and national vitality

      ·        Nationalism

      ·        Frontier


      Strategic Arguments

      • Navy and army bases are necessary to protect interests
        • Gain access to new markets
        • Protect those new markets to keep them “free and open”
      • Colonies are needed to expand power and control.






    "Before the United States intervented in behalf of these oppressed peoples. Phillipines-Spanish oppression.  Hawaii-Industrial slavery.  Porto Rico, Cuba-Spanish yoke.  Isthmus of Panama-Quinine.  After the United States had rescued them from their oppression.  Philippines-Philippine Assembly, Education Busine [ss] Prosperity.  Porto Rico-Prosperoty.  Cuba-Self Gov't, prosperity.  Panama Canal Zone-Health."
