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Suffolk University Law School: National Women Law Students' Association

Mentor Program



NWLSA's 2008-2009 Mentorship Program 



The Mentor / Mentee assignments for the 2008 - 2009 school year have been sent out.  Please e-mail if you signed up for a mentor or a mentee and did not receive an e-mail.  Thank You.



Mentoring Goal:

The goal of NWLSA's Mentoring Program is to provide first year students with a useful, dependable resource with the commitment of an upper level law student to act as a guide and mentor to their designated mentee.  Mentors provide their mentee's with advice on work load, professors, study habits, managing stress, job hunting and any other matter of interest.  Mentors and mentees are matched based on age, nationality, areas of interest, and whatever additional characteristics are held between the pair that could potentially make them more likely to relate.  There are no official requirements as to when and how mentors and mentees are to meet; all arrangements are made by their own personal correspondence.  Mentors commit to honor their arrangements and do what they can to be as useful as possible to help make their mentees' first year experience a successful and enjoyable experience.

Mentor's Promise:

Mentors promise to honor whatever arrangement is made between herself and her designated mentee.  Mentors promise to give honest advice in assisting their mentees in pursuing their interests, and to provide assurance, support and encouragement in achieving those goals.  In relation, mentors promise to notify their mentees when they can not make a meeting, or are unable to follow through with any agreed upon commitment.  Mentors are not expected to commit to any arrangement beyond their abilities or time availability, but to do what they can to be a consistent, dependable resource to their first year mentee.

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