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Singaporean Malaysian Student Circle
at University of California San Diego



The name of the organization shall be the Singaporean Malaysian Student Circle, also known as SMSC.

The aim and purpose of the SMSC shall be: To promote integration and understanding among Malaysian and Singaporean students in and about the University of California, San Diego.
To furnish cultural, social information and programs regarding Malaysia and Singapore for those interested in these countries.

There shall be two categories in SMSC.
Regular members will be Malaysians and Singaporeans at University of California, San Diego. This will include their family members.
Affiliate members will be all other non-Malaysian and non-Singaporean students.
All members shall have equal privileges and duties.
Responsibility of the members shall be:
To uphold the principles of SMSC;
To take part in the activities of the association;
To exercise care when utilizing the property of SMSC;
To uphold the image of the association as well as the image of Malaysia and Singapore.
Rights of members:
To forward any suggestions or opinions as well as to vote during the meetings of the association.

The SMSC shall consist of the membership made up by the General Assembly and the Executive Committee henceforth known as the Assembly and the Executive respectively.

The duties of the Assembly shall be:
To elect new Executive members every year;
To approve any amendments to the constitution as proposed by the Executive;
To revise any decision made by the Executive;
All decisions of the Assembly shall be by majority, with a quorum of 2/3 of the membership.
The Executive shall consist of a President, an Internal Relations Officer, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Public Relations Officer.
a. The Executive shall have the following duties:
· To appoint and dissolve special committees as needed;
· To serve as the governing body of the SMSC;
· To seek sources of revenue;
· To convene meetings of the Assembly;
· To submit a report to the Assembly of all activities of the SMSC at the beginning of each major academic term.
b. The duties of the President shall be:
· To be the official representative of the SMSC;
· To call meetings of the Executive;
· To preside over meetings of the Executive and Assembly;
· Whenever he/she feels it is necessary, the President may delegate part of his/her duties to other members of the Executive on a temporary basis.
c. The duties of the Internal Affairs Officer shall be:
· Assumes the duties and responsibilities of the President in case of the President’s absence, incapacity and/or resignation;
· To ensure the welfare and being of the club and its members;
· To coordinate group events internal to the SMSC;
· As liaison to other Singapore and/or Malaysia organizations in San Diego.
d. The duties of the Secretary shall be:
· To maintain a record of all meetings of the Executive and the Assembly and to furnish minutes of the Executive meeting seven days prior to the next Executive meeting;
· To be the acting President whenever the posts of the President and Internal Affairs Officer are vacant due to any reason. In such cases, he/she shall call a meeting of the Assembly with the approval of the Executive to fill these posts within two weeks of his/her assuming the role of the acting President.
e. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
· To keep record of all financial transactions and make all authorized payments promptly;
· To present a semi-annual report of all the association’s expenditures to the Assembly;
· To collect membership dues and to maintain and update a list of all members. Such a list may be released only with the approval of the Executive.
f. The duties of the Public Relations Officer shall be:
· To ensure that the members of the SMSC are informed of all SMSC activities;
· To organize and maintain all matters pertaining to thew SMSC official website;
· To be responsible for the dissemination of club information and events to both members and the community at large.
g. The duties of the Committee members shall be:
· To render advice during Executive meetings;
· To accept duties delegated by the Executive.

Elections shall be held in April every year.
· The election shall be held according to the following procedure:
· An election chairman shall be nominated from among the members to conduct the elections and assist the current advisor.
· To be eligible for the Executive position, a candidate shall:
· Not be on probation or suspension.
· Be attending the University of California, San Diego on a full-time basis
· The tenure of the elected officers shall be for one year beginning from the first day of the Fall academic term following the election in April.
· A new election shall be held to fill any vacant position(s) in the Executive.
An officer of the Executive may be removed from office when a member motions for his/her removal and submits a written grievance in an Assembly meeting. After being seconded, the following procedure shall be followed.
· The officer concerned shall be given an opportunity to defend himself/herself during that meeting or the next Executive meeting, whichever he/she chooses.
· During the meeting in which he/she presents his/her defense, the Executive may remove him/her by a majority affirmative vote. Otherwise he/she will remain in his/her position.

A special meeting shall be called if 75% or more of the members petition for it, and specify its purpose. If the Executive fails to call a meeting within two weeks, it shall be the advisor’s responsibility to do so.

The presiding officer may remove any person from the meeting if in his/her opinion the said person is causing a disruption in the progress of the agenda.


Amendments to the Constitution must be submitted to the Executive by a written petition of a majority of members. The proposed amendment must be distributed to the Assembly members by the Executive at least two weeks prior to it being voted upon.
The Executive may also submit amendment(s) to the General Assembly under the same conditions.
Amendment(s) must be approved by a majority of the Assembly present and voted at a meeting with quorum of 2/3 or more.
This document must be reviewed every two years and resubmitted to the Student Activities Office.

Ratification of this Constitution shall be by majority vote of the General Assembly, becoming effective as of that date.

