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RCampus Learning Technologies at Your Fingertips
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I'm a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation's oldest public college. Back in the pre-civil war era in which it was founded, Chapel Hill's male student body was still riding horses.

However, now in the 21st century, there is an insane fight for parking spaces. Although freshman are not allowed to park on campus, there is such limited space that most choose to park in a lot that requires a bus-ride.

Even if you are not a student, visitors too must face the challenge of finding a good parking space. If you can find a free one, it's a great day.

Most visitor parking has meters or requires parking passes. Where can one find such passes if it is your first visit? If it's a game day, forget parking for less than $6 anywhere on campus. With the revenue from football and basketball alone, we should be able to construct a parking deck. Wait, those require passes also.

by: Diadra Blake      

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VERY REDICULUS if you ask me.
10/30/07 8:13 PM 

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