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iRubric: Short Story rubric

iRubric: Short Story rubric

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Short Story 
Students are assessed on their creation of a realistic fiction story using the writing process. Components included are the exposition (beginning), middle ( characters, setting, and plot), climax, resolution, and conventions.
Rubric Code: Y88AW5
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Short Story Creative Writing
  Excellent - 4


Good - 3


Average - 2


Need Improvement - 1



Excellent - 4

The story has a creative, well-developed beginning that introduces the main character and his goal. Describes the problem in detail and lets readers know why it is a problem for the character.
Good - 3

The story has a beginning that may capture the reader's interest.It introduces the character and states the problem the character is having.
Average - 2

The story has a beginning, but it does not introduce the character or what the character's goal is.
Need Improvement - 1

The beginning of the story is vague and uncreative. Does not introduce the characters or what the character's goal is.

Excellent - 4

The main characters in the story are named and described very well and make sense in the story. The reader can identify and describe the characters and their influence in the story.
Good - 3

The main characters in the story are named and described. Most readers would have some idea of what the characters looked like and their influence in the story.
Average - 2

The main characters in the story are not described very well and sometimes don't make sense.
Need Improvement - 1

It is hard to tell who the main characters in the story are.

Excellent - 4

The story's time and place are described creatively and completely. The reader can easily identify when and where the story took place.
Good - 3

Some descriptive words are used to tell the reader when and where the story took place.
Most readers would have some idea of when and where the story took place.
Average - 2

Setting description is not clear. The reader has trouble figuring out when and where the story took place.
Need Improvement - 1

The story's time and place are not described.

Excellent - 4

A main conflict/problem is clearly developed an d explained. Several details are used to tell at least 2 attempts to solve the problem/conflict that are not successful and why.
Good - 3

A conflict/problem is developed. Two attempts are made to solve the problem/conflict. Some details are used to tell actions and events that take place in the story.
Average - 2

A conflict/problem is not well developed. The reader has trouble figuring out the details of the plot.
Attemts to solve are not clearly thought through and described.
Need Improvement - 1

There is no conflict or plot to the story.

Excellent - 4

The 3rd and final attempt to solve the problem/conflict is clearly thought through and described. The reader can understand why this attempts clearly solves the problem.
Good - 3

The 3 attempt at the end of the story is good and supplies an appropriate solution to the problem. Some details provided to clarify.
Average - 2

The end of the story presents an adequate or ok solution to the problem. Not detailed.
Need Improvement - 1

The end of the story does not have a solution to the problem.

Excellent - 4

The writer describes how the character is feeling at the end of the story. Gives details about any lessons learned or changes in feelings of the character.
Good - 3

The writer tells how the character feels about solving the problem. Not many details included.
Average - 2

The writer ends the story after the climax and does not describe what will happen next with the character.
Need Improvement - 1

The writer does not explain or describe what happens to the character.

Excellent - 4

The story contains fewer than 5 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paragraph structure
Good - 3

The story contains 6 to 9 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paragraph structure
Average - 2

The story contains 10 to 13 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paragraph structure
Need Improvement - 1

The story contains 14 to 17 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paragraph structure

  • story; creative; writing


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