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iRubric: Cultural Project - El dia de los muertos rubric

iRubric: Cultural Project - El dia de los muertos rubric

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Cultural Project - El dia de los muertos 
Students will present a PowerPoint presentation about "El dia de los muertos", in the target language
Rubric Code: A64283
Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric El dia de los muertos Project
PowerPoint presentation of El dia de los muertos in Mexico.

Has missing elements, grammatical and spelling errors, or lacks support/detail

1 pts


Has most elements, few or no gramatical or spelling errors, is general, and has support

2 pts


Is detailed, well-stated, well-supported, and well-articulated. No grammatical or spelling errors.

3 pts


Does the presentation give the vital information about the holiday?


Does not give complete or true information. Leaves out vital information

Gives some information, may include generalities instead of details, may/may not cover all areas needed

Gives good, detailed, well-documented information one would need.

The person speaks clearly (loudly enough to be heard) , shows command of the information and pronounces words correctly in the target language.


Hard to hear or understand, shows lack of knowledge of important concepts without PowerPoint support (just reading), words are misspronounced. Way too long or Way too short. Should spend 2-3 on each slide.

Generally understandable, has general knowledge of the subject with PowerPoint, can say most of the words correctly. Stays close to time frame (within 1 minute of 2-3 minutes on each area)

Articulate and easy to understand. Would be able to present well with or without the PowerPoint (good knowledge of the subject). Stays within the time frame (or within a minute thereof).

PowerPoint meets criteria of size of font (24), contains at least 8 slides (or more) with information (including pictures and citations) and and is easy to follow. Presented in "points" not long, essay-type sentences. Has graphics and Multi-media elements which complement and do not distract from the presentation.


Has misspelled words, is not in Spanish, has too many words, or a font that is less than 24 point. Lacks pictures, animation, or multi-media supports for slides

Misses accents or punctuation, but it spelled correctly. Is in Spanish. . Is generally legible and well layed out. Has some pictures and multi-media supports on slides. May have some effects or animation, but it may/may not add to the quality of the presentation.

All words spelled correctly, on a slide with an appropriate number of words, and a bold, easy-to-read font. Is very legible. Is totally in Spanish. Pictures and multi-media elements function as intended. Pictures, graphics, animation, and multi-media add to the quality of the presentation.

Has the presenter submitted the presentation for revision on time? (November 3, 2011)Is presenter on time, and ready to present?


Does not present on the day assigned

Presents on the day assigned, but not in order. Has to go and get jump drive or file off of other school computer

Presents on time as scheduled with all information

The entire presentation should have at least 3 citations; two of them Spanish citations. All citations should be displayed in MLA format, on the PowerPoint.


Has no citations, or has them listed in a completely inappropriate format

Has some citations but not the number required. Mostly follows MLA format. May/may not have multimedia clips cited, OR
has all sources written on a sheet of paper.

Has all required citations, in MLA format. Cites all multimedia clips, and art as well.

Students will be attentive during everyone else's presentation. There will be no talking, moving around, or comments. Questions will be proceeded by hand-raising and acknowledgement by the presenter.


Speaks out of turn, fails to take notes, is otherwise inattentive (sleeping, doing work for other classes). Heckles or otherwise intrudes into the presentations of others. Gets up and walks around during someone's presentation.

May ask appropriate questions without being recognized. Takes some notes, but doesn't include all valuable data. Makes a few intrusive comments. Rarely or never leaves seat during presentation.

Is attentive, alert, and taking notes. Asks appropriate questions only after being recognized by the presenter. Does not leave his/her seat during the presentation (unless there is an emergency)

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