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iRubric: Grading Rubric for Children's Picture Book

iRubric: Grading Rubric for Children's Picture Book

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Grading Rubric for Children's Picture Book 
Rubric Code: GX2X45W
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Children's Book Final Exam


1 Basic

2 pts

2 Beginning

1 pts

3 Proficient

3 pts

4 High Quality Work

4 pts



Cover & Color


No additions made

No color added
1 Basic

Incomplete & wrong additions made

Some color added;
no skill, creativity, style

Not pleasing to the eye
(not neat/no care obvious)
2 Beginning

Wrong additions made
multiple spelling errors

Pleasing to the eye (neat/care obvious)
3 Proficient

Additions made with no more than one error in
spelling or grammar

Three colors per page on all pages with skill, creativity, and style

Pleasing to the eye (neat/care obvious)
4 High Quality Work

Additions Made: Title &
Author; complete; legible; no spelling errors

More than three colors per page/all pages with skill, creativity, and style

Pleasing to the eye (neat/care obvious)


No Drawings
1 Basic

Some color added;
no skill, creativity, style

Not pleasing to the eye
2 Beginning

Not all pages show color with skill, creativity, and style

Pleasing to the eye (neat/care obvious)
3 Proficient

Drawings on all pages with skill, creativity, and style

Pleasing to the eye (neat/care obvious)
4 High Quality Work

Drawing son each page with creativity and tie back to the story
Presentation: Word Processing


Not word-processed because student refuses.
1 Basic

Paragraphs indented,
sentences punctuated,
punctuation and capitalization erratic & non-standard

Text inserted to book apparently haphazard way, not pleasing to eye
2 Beginning

Paragraphs indented,
sentences punctuated,
punctuation and capitalization erratic, but shows attempt to follow convention

Text inserted to book & pleasing to eye
3 Proficient

Word-processed paragraphs indented sentences punctuated.

Punctuation and Capitalization generally correct.

Text inserted to book & pleasing to eye in multiple ways
4 High Quality Work

Word-processed paragraphs indented, sentences punctuated.

Punctuation and Capitalization correct.

Text inserted to book & pleasing to eye in multiple ways

Fonts manipulated for stylistic effect
Grammar & Spelling

1 Basic

Filled with errors of grammar and spelling. Commonly used words such as contractions are misspelled, even if word-processed.
2 Beginning

More than two misspellings. Commonly used words are usually spelled correctly. Several errors such as there for their, to for too.

Grammar errors would need much revision to bring to standard usuage.
3 Proficient

1-2 Spelling and Grammar errors--but no Misspelling in Title or Main Character or in commonly used words such as contractions or homophones. Very little revision would bring any errors to standard usuage.
4 High Quality Work

No grammar or spelling errors.

Editing or stylistic changes take little effort.

If in verse, looks like poetry
Presentation: Read Aloud


Not read
1 Basic

Stumbles over words multiple times.

No expression

May be hard to hear or understand
2 Beginning

Stumbles over words less than three times.

Little expression

May be hard to hear or understand
3 Proficient

Reads fluently. Stumbles less than three times.

Expression of reader makes this a pleasure to hear

Easy to hear and understand
4 High Quality Work

Reads fluently. Does not stumble

Expression of reader makes story "real"

A performance as much as a reading
Overall Content

1 Basic

Message is unclear. Includes little essential information and one or two facts.
2 Beginning

Message is vaguely described. Includes some essential information with few facts.
3 Proficient

Message is clearly communicated. Includes essential information.
4 High Quality Work

Strong message. Covers topic completely and in depth. Includes complete information.
Cooperative Group Work

1 Basic

Cannot work with others. Cannot share decisions or responsibilities.
2 Beginning

Works with others, but has difficulty sharing decisions and responsibilities.
3 Proficient

Works well with others. Takes part in most decisions and contributes fair share to group.
4 High Quality Work

Works well with others. Assumes a clear role and related responsibilities. Motivates others.

1 Basic

Project appears forced, hard to follow.
Has too many parts that are strange and do not serve any purpose.
Tried to be creative but does not work.
2 Beginning

Added a few original touches to enhance the project but did not incorporate it throughout
3 Proficient

Project is nice and works, but is not unique.
It has similar components as other presentations.
4 High Quality Work

Project is unique, does not look like the others.
Shows creativity that works, it is not just weird but exciting and fresh.


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