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iRubric: Compare/Contrast Presentation Rubric

iRubric: Compare/Contrast Presentation Rubric

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Compare/Contrast Presentation Rubric 
Rubric Code: DX6W58C
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Google Slides Presentation

Shows exemplary work. Meets standards and gives a little extra.

4 pts


Shows skillful work. Meets standards for the project in all areas.

3 pts


Shows acceptable work. Meets some standards, but needs work on others.

2 pts


Attempts acceptable work. Falls short of expected standards.

1 pts

Main Idea of Sources


The topic being discussed by the sources is clear. Both sources address the same topic, and the student has identified the main ideas of both texts accurately.

The topic being discussed by the sources is mostly clear. The connection between sources is clear when student explains it. Student has identified the main ideas of both texts mostly accurately.

The topic(s) being discussed by the sources is somewhat clear. The connection between sources is somewhat clear. Student has identified the main ideas but not very accurately.

The topics being discussed by the sources are somewhat unclear. The connection between the two is weak or not present. Student is unable to accurately locate the main idea of each.


The format of the presentation clearly compares and contrasts the two sources. The similarities and differences for the two sources are thorough and presented in an interesting way.

The format of the presentation compares and contrasts the two sources. The similarities and differences for the two sources are complete and presented in an understandable, if generic, way.

The format of the presentation attempts to compare and contrast the two sources, but becomes unclear in parts. The similarities and differences may blend together at times or be left out for a couple topics.

The format of the presentation lacks the organization to show comparing and contrasting. Information is not presented in a recognizable fashion. Similarities and differences are indistinguishable or may be left out altogether.
Text Purpose


The purpose of both sources is clearly identified using one of the six discussed in class: to inform, to inform & entertain, to entertain, to persuade, to involve, or to give help/advice. Relevant evidence is provided from each text to prove its purpose, with a clear explanation of how the text falls into the category.

The purpose of both souces is identified using one of the six discussed in class. Some evidence is provided from each text to prove its purpose, although it may not be as relevant. Explanation is present but may not be completely clear.

The purpose is present for only one of the sources. The explanation has evidence from only one text, or the evidence doesn't connect well to the purpose described. Explanation is limited or unclear.

There is no purpose for the sources clearly provided. Evidence is not present to support a text purpose, or the evidence that is provided is irrelevant. Explanation is unclear or not present.
Text Structure


The text structure of each source (description, problem/solution, time/chronological order, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, argument/support) is clearly identified and thoroughly explained. The student has provided evidence of the structure by identifying both key words, and by providing quotes from the text that embody that structure.

The text structure of each source is identified and explained. Explanation may be brief. The student has provided evidence of the structure by identifying key words, or by providing quotes from the text that embody that structure.

The text structure is identified but maybe not for each source. Student has identified key words or quotes from the text, but the connection to the structure is not as clear. Both may not be present.

The text structures are not identified, are unclear, or are misinterpreted. Student has not identified the key words or quotes from the text, or the connection is not well explained. Student struggles to understand the important factors for structure.
Text Features


The text features of each of the sources (font effects, cue words and phrases, illustrations and photographs, graphics, and text organizers) are clearly and thoroughly described. Examples of specific text features are provided when possible.

Most of the text features of each of the sources are clearly and thoroughly described. Some examples may be provided when possible.

Some of the text features of each of the sources are described. May not be described as clearly or thoroughly. Minimal attempt at providing examples.

Few of the text features of the sources are described. Not clearly or thoroughly described and no examples are provided.


The presentation gives a specific intended audience for each source, with ample details from the sources to show why that audience is relevant. Gives in-depth look at intended audience demographic (age, race, gender, social class, geographic location, employment, etc.) based on evidence from the source.

The presentation gives an intended audience for each source but may be more general in its description. Details from the sources are included but may not be as thorough. Audience demographic is present but may lack the specificity needed for a higher score.

The presentation gives an intended audience for one source, but may only briefly touch on the other. Audience description may be vague, lack details from the sources to show its relevance, or may be off in interpretation.

The presentation fails to give an intended audience for one or both of the sources entirely, may lack description of the audience, may lack evidence to support claim of the intended audience, or may be mistaken in its interpretation of the intended audience.


The presentation clearly and thoroughly identifies bias within the sources. It provides specific, relevant examples of where the bias can be seen.

The presentation identifies bias within the sources. It provides examples of where the bias can be seen. May be more general in its interpretation.

The presentation attempts to identify bias within the sources. It provides examples that may be irrelevant at times, or too general in interpretation to clearly show the desired bias.

The presentation does not identify bias within the sources. It lacks examples of where bias can be seen, or examples provided are irrelevant, making poor connection to the intended bias.
Overall Presentation


Presentation is colorful, well-planned, and shows an exceptional use of time and resources. Student shows advanced skill in making the presentation pleasing to the eye.

Presentation is colorful, shows planning, and good use of time and resources. Student shows acceptable skill in making the presentation pleasing to the eye.

Presentation shows some signs of planning but may be disorganized at times. Color scheme is sometimes distracting or hard to read. Student made some use of time and resources, but the presentation appears rushed at times.

Presentation lacks planning, organization, and easy-to-read color scheme. Student effort appears minimal, with attention to time and resources lacking. May appear done at the last minute.


Presentation has few to no errors in grammar and mechanics. Proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling is present entirely throughout, with errors occuring in less than 10% of the entire presentation.

Presentation has minimal errors in grammar and mechanics. Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling is off at times, but it does not distract the reader/viewer from the overall purpose of the text. Errors are present in 25% or less of the entire presentation.

Presentation has some errors in grammar and mechanics. Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors are present on more than 50 percent of the presentation and are often distracting to the reader/viewer.

Presentation has multiple errors in grammar and mechanics. Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors can be found on more than 75% of the entire presentation.



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