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UMF EDU 571 Unit Plan Rubric 2014 
Use the following criteria to integrate digital storytelling techniques into pre-existing or original units of study/inquiry, using Puentedura’s SAMR or Mishra & Koehler’s TPACK models as pedagogical guides. Complete a student/user impact analysis, identifying how these tools & techniques would add value for understanding to actual student/user exp. Plan 5-10 lessons feat. daily measurable objectives, alignment to local standards, formative and summative assessments and rubrics to measure.
Rubric Code: ZXW4552
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric UMF EDU 571 Unit Plan Rubric 2014
  One Book, One Campus

Exceeds the Standard

97 pts

Book Club Selection

Meets the Standard

85 pts

Beach Reading

Partially Meets the Standard

65 pts

Yard Sale Free Table

Does Not Yet Meet the Standard

50 pts

Meaningful Tech Integration

To what extent does your unit demonstrate higher levels of SAMR/TPACK learning with technology pedagogy

One Book, One Campus

I love how your unit showcases evidence of higher and lower order tech integration based on the SAMR and/or TPACK model, all working together as an innovative learning with technology experience.
Book Club Selection

I like how your unit showcases evidence of higher and lower order tech integration based on the SAMR and/or TPACK model.
Beach Reading

I noticed that your unit plan seems to live on only one end of the tech integration continuum based on SAMR/TPACK. How might you include experiences that heighten or simplify experiences for students?
Yard Sale Free Table

What's up? I'm not seeing much evidence of SAMR and/or TPACK pedagogy here. How can I help?
Storytelling Integration

To what extent do you integrate the principles and concepts of storytelling into your unit?

One Book, One Campus

I love how you apply concepts of storytelling meaningful, unique, insightful and/or innovative ways over the course of your unit.
Book Club Selection

I like how you apply concepts of storytelling purposefully over the course of your unit.
Beach Reading

I see that you applied some concepts of storytelling, but they seem tacked on minimal. How might you revisit some of the course material and find a home for those ideas in your unit?
Yard Sale Free Table

What's up? I'm not seeing much storytelling here. How can I help you find ways to integrate more concepts and principles of storytelling?
Effective Lesson Plan Count

How many effective lessons (objectives stated, standards aligned, form/sum assessments designed, rubrics built) did you develop?

One Book, One Campus

I love how your unit features between 5 and 10 effective lesson plans contributing to an experience greater than the sum of its parts.
Book Club Selection

I like how your unit features 5 effective lesson plans contributing to a complete experience.
Beach Reading

I noticed your unit features 3 or 4 effective lesson plans. How might you build more scaffolds and activities, establish objectives or shape rubrics for your students to create a more complete experience?
Yard Sale Free Table

What's up? I noticed you only have one or two effective lesson plans. How can I help you ideate or rethink this unit?
Impact Analysis

To what extent do you discuss the value added of meaningful digital storytelling to your unit?

One Book, One Campus

I love how your impact analysis features rich, detailed and powerful insights into specific benefits of digital storytelling for student understanding in your unit.
Book Club Selection

I like how your impact analysis features specific benefits of digital storytelling for student understanding in your unit.
Beach Reading

I noticed your impact analysis features minimal specific benefits of digital storytelling for student understanding. How might you use more examples (perhaps before/after thinking) to help demonstrate the value added?
Yard Sale Free Table

What's up? I notice you didn't seem to complete much of an impact analysis. How can I help you get started thinking about value added for your students?



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