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iRubric: Engineering Design Process rubric

iRubric: Engineering Design Process rubric

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Engineering Design Process 
Students use the engineering design process to design and construct a product.
Rubric Code: YX64X38
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Public Rubric
Subject: Engineering  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

Powered by iRubric Engineering Design Project












Define the problem

What Do I want to do?
What is the problem?
What have others done


The problem is clearly and objectively identified and defined with considerable depth, and it is well elaborated with specific detail;

The problem is clearly and objectively identified and defined with some depth, and it is generally elaborated with specific detail;

The problem is somewhat clearly and objectively identified and defined with adequate depth, and it is sometimes elaborated with specific detail, although some information intended as elaboration may be imprecise or general;

The problem is identified only somewhat clearly and/or objectively and defined in a manner that is somewhat superficial and/or minimally elaborated with specific detail;

The identification and/or definition of the problem is unclear, is unelaborated, and/or is clearly subjective; information included is insufficient to allow for the determination any measurable design requirements.

The identification and/or definition of the problem are missing OR cannot be inferred from information included.
Research/generate Ideas

Learn from the experiences of others — this can help you find out about existing solutions to similar problems, and avoid mistakes that were made in the past. So, for an engineering design project, do background research in existing solutions


The process for generating and comparing possible design solutions was comprehensive, iterative, and consistently defensible, making a viable and well-justified design highly likely; the design solution ultimately chosen was well-justified and demonstrated attention to all design requirements; the plan of action has considerable merit and would easily support repetition and testing for effectiveness by others.

The process for generating and comparing possible design solutions was thorough, iterative, and generally defensible, making a viable design likely; the design solution chosen was justified and demonstrated attention to most if not all design requirements; the plan of action would support repetition and testing for effectiveness by others.

The process for generating and comparing possible design solutions was adequate and generally iterative and defensible, making a viable design possible; the choice of design solution was explained with reference to at least some design requirements; the plan of action might not clearly or fully support repetition and testing for effectiveness by others.

The process for generating a possible design solution was partial or overly general and only somewhat iterative and/or defensible, raising issues with the viability of the design solution chosen; that solution was not sufficiently explained with reference to design requirements; there is insufficient detail to allow for testing for replication of results.

The process for generating a possible design solution was incomplete and was only minimally iterative and/or defensible; any attempted explanation for the design solution chosen lacked support related to design requirements and cannot be tested.

There is no evidence an attempt to arrive at a design solution through an iterative process based on design requirements.
Plan and definitive Design

Draw a diagram of ideas
List of Materials you will use
Describe how you will test it? How it works


Diagram Drawn to scale with Labelling
Listing of materials with quantities required.
A thorough description of the procedure you will use to test it.

Diagram is not Drawn to scale but with Labelling
Listing of materials with quantities required.
description of the procedure you will use to test it with major details.

Diagram drawn but it is not to scale and is not properly labelled.
Listing of materials with quantities required.
description of the procedure you will use to test it without details.

Diagram drawn but it is not to scale and is not properly labelled.
Listing of materials is not there.
Procedure to test is vague.

No diagram.
Listing of materials is not there.
Procedure to test is vague.

None of the three criterion is met.

Build a prototype
Test it
Talk about what works and what doesn't work
What could work better


The final prototype iteration is clearly and fully explained and is constructed with enough detail to assure that objective data on all or nearly all design requirements could be determined;

The final prototype iteration is clearly and adequately explained and is constructed with enough detail to assure that objective data on many design requirements could be determined;

The final prototype iteration is clearly and adequately explained and is constructed with enough detail to assure that objective data on some design requirements could be determined;

The final prototype iteration is explained only somewhat clearly and/or completely and is constructed with enough detail to assure that objective data on at least a few design requirements could be determined;

The final prototype iteration is only minimally explained and/or is not constructed with enough detail to assure that objective data on at least one design requirements could be determined

Any attempt to explain the final prototype iteration is unclear or is missing altogether; there is no evidence that the prototype would facilitate testing by suitable means for any of the design requirements.
Prototype testing

Prototype testing and data collection plan


The testing plan addresses all or nearly all of the high priority design requirements

The testing plan addresses many of the high priority design requirements

The testing plan addresses some of the high priority design requirements

The testing plan addresses a few of the high priority design requirements

The testing plan addresses one of the high priority design requirements

Any testing plan included fails to address at least one of the high priority design requirements
Testing, data collection

Testing, data collection and analysis


the student demonstrates considerable understanding of testing procedure, including the gathering and analysis of resultant data; the analysis of the effectiveness with which the design met stated goals includes a consistently detailed explanation

the student demonstrates ample understanding of testing procedure, including the gathering and analysis of resultant data; the analysis of the effectiveness with which the design met stated goals includes a generally detailed explanation

the student demonstrates adequate understanding of testing procedure, including the gathering and analysis of resultant data; the analysis of the effectiveness with which the design met stated goals includes a somewhat detailed explanation

the student demonstrates partial or overly general understanding of testing procedure, including the gathering and analysis of resultant data; the analysis of the effectiveness with which the design met stated goals includes a partial explanation [and summary] of the data

the student demonstrates minimal understanding of testing procedure, including the gathering and analysis of resultant data; the analysis of the effectiveness with which the design met stated goals includes an attempted explanation [and summary] of the data

Any test(s) for requirement(s) or attempts at physical or mathematical modeling fail to demonstrate even minimal understanding of testing procedure, including the gathering and analysis of resultant data; OR there is no evidence of testing or physical or mathematical modeling to address any requirements.

Talk about how you could improve your project.
Draw new designs
The purpose is to define a need or “How can I make this better?” or “How can I make this task easier?”


Student tests the working model’s effectiveness to solve the problem. Accurate and detailed records are collected and an analysis of data is present. Student uses data to redesign the working model into a more effective solution that aligns with the criteria, constraints, and intent of the problem.

Student tests the working model’s effectiveness to solve the problem. Adequate records are collected and an analysis of data is present. Student uses data to redesign the working model into a more effective solution that aligns with the criteria, constraints, and intent of the problem.

Student tests the working model’s effectiveness to solve the problem. Minimal records are collected. Analysis of data is not present. Student uses data to redesign the working model into a more effective solution that aligns with the criteria, constraints, and intent of the problem.

Student tests the working model’s effectiveness to solve the problem. Minimal records are collected. Analysis of data is not present. Student does not redesign the working model.

Student does not test the working model’s effectiveness to solve the problem. Minimal records are collected. Analysis of data is not present. Student does not redesign the working model.

Testing is not performed due to either an inability to test based on the quality of the working model, or there is no working model to test.

Discuss and Share Solution


Student is excellently prepared for and participates in project discussion without prompting. Summarized results from testing are communicated clearly and effectively. Student poses and responds to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information shared from other classmates.

Student is adequately prepared for and participates in project discussion without prompting. Summarized results from testing are communicated clearly. Student poses and responds to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information shared from other classmates.

Student is minimally prepared for and participates in project discussion with prompting. Summarized results from testing are shared. Student infrequently poses and responds to questions to clarify or follow up on information shared from other classmates

Student is not prepared for and inadequately participates in project discussion. Summarized results from testing are shared, but are complete or clear. Communication with classmates by posing and responding to questions is limited.

Student is not prepared for and inadequately participates in project discussion. Summarized results from testing are shared, but are incomplete or unclear. Communication with classmates by posing and responding to questions is limited.

Student does not participate in project discussion.

  • Engineering


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