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iRubric: Superintendent Interview Guide:  ___________________________ rubric

iRubric: Superintendent Interview Guide: ___________________________ rubric

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Superintendent Interview Guide: ___________________________ 
For superintendent interviews December 6, 2014
Rubric Code: WX5B4CW
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12, Undergraduate, Graduate

Powered by iRubric Applicant: __________

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts


4 pts

Personal Notes

Comments or notes




Appears unsure of what leadership entails; has no grasp of his/her leadership style; has little to no knowledge of components collaborative and inclusionary processes for staff buy-in.

Communicates vague understanding of leadership and some knowledge of collaborative, distributive leadership to secure buy in from staff.

Communicates satisfactorily leadership style and has average handle on how to empower staff and create the conditions for staff buy-in through distributive leadership when appropriate.

Communicates with depth and ease his/her leadership style and possesses or appears to possess thorough examples of leadership skills and examples of empowerment of staff; understands how to ensure buy-in from staff through collaborative, distributive leadership when appropriate.
Personal Notes
Understanding Assessment


Has no knowledge of formative, collective assessment or standardized testing. Has no knowledge of how to use assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction.

Has little knowledge of formative, collective assessment or standardized testing. Has little knowledge of how to use assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction.

Has some knowledge of formative, collective assessment or standardized testing. Has some knowledge of how to use assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction.

Has a deep knowledge of formative, collective assessment or standardized testing. Has extensive knowledge of how to use assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction.
Personal Notes
Principal/Staff Appraisal


Has no knowledge of state requirements for evaluation and has no experience in evaluation nor is able to discuss what appraisal should look like.

Has little knowledge of state requirements for evaluation and has little experience in evaluation nor is able to discuss what appraisal should look like.

Has satisfactory knowledge of state requirements for evaluation and has some experience in evaluation and is able to discuss what appraisal should look like.

Has outstanding knowledge of state requirements for evaluation and has extensive experience in evaluation and is able to discuss what appraisal should look like.
Personal Notes
Fiscal Management


Has no experience in fiscal management or has a dismal track record when it comes to fiscal matters. Is not able to give any examples or elaborate about the budgeting process.

Has little experience in fiscal management or has poor track record when it comes to fiscal matters. Examples are inappropriate and there is very little elaboration about the budgeting process.

Has satisfactory experience in fiscal management or has an adequate track record when it comes to fiscal matters. Examples are appropriate and there is some elaboration about the budgeting process.

Has extensive experience in fiscal management or has a superior track record when it comes to fiscal matters. Examples are appropriate and there is considerable elaboration about the budgeting process.
Personal Notes
Building Management


Cannot articulate the managerial role of the administration as it applies to the daily operation of the school and the various functions associated with it. Answers awkwardly.

Poor articulation of the managerial role of the administration as it applies to the daily operation of the school and the various functions associated with it. Seems to be uncomfortable and vague.

Satisfactory articulation of the managerial role of the administration as it applies to the daily operation of the school and the various functions associated with it. Answers are well developed and reflect concrete understanding.

Superior articulation of the managerial role of the administration as it applies to the daily operation of the school and the various functions associated with it. Answers are fully developed and reflect extensive knowledge of daily management.
Personal Notes
Strategic Planning


Has never been involved with a strategic planning process and cannot articulate the processes and steps involved.

Has had limited involvement with a strategic planning process and articulation of the processes and steps involved is inadequate. Has never led a strategic planning process.

Has had some involvement with a strategic planning process and can articulate the processes and steps involved. Has led a strategic planning process.

Has extensive involvement with a strategic planning process and can articulate the processes and steps involved. Has led at least one strategic planning process.
Personal Notes
Public Relations/School Image


Has no experience with public relations or marketing. Cannot articulate any ideas as to how PR relates to the success of a school.

Has very little experience with public relations. Can articulate few ideas as to how PR relates to the success of a school.

Has sufficient experience with public relations. Can articulate ideas as to how PR relates to the success of a school.

Has extensive experience with public. Can articulate many ideas as to how PR relates to the success of a school.
Personal Notes
Use/Proponent of Technology


Has no expertise in use of computers and the programs needed for the position, such as: word processing, e-mail, Internet searching, school web page, PowerPoint, Excel, and accessing State Department data required for information and reporting. Not interested in technology use in the school.

Has little expertise in use of computers and the programs needed for the position, such as: word processing, e-mail, Internet searching, school web page, PowerPoint, Excel, and accessing State Department data required for information and reporting. Little interest in technology use in the school.

Has adequate expertise in use of computers and the programs needed for the position, such as: word processing, e-mail, Internet searching, school web page, PowerPoint, Excel, and accessing State Department data required for information and reporting. Supportive of technology use in the school.

Has proven expertise in use of computers and the programs needed for the position, such as: word processing, e-mail, Internet searching, school web page, PowerPoint, Excel, and accessing State Department data required for information and reporting. Strong proponent of technology use in the school.
Personal Notes
Law, Rules, Regs


Has no understanding of laws, rules & regulations required to do his/her job and would require extensive outside support and training.

Has little understanding of the laws, rules and regulations that are required to serve as superintendent. Has little understanding of the laws, rules and regulations that are required to do his/her job & would have to have outside support & training.

Has general understanding of the laws, rules and regulations that are required to serve as superintendent & would need little outside support & training.

Has deep understanding of the laws, rules and regulations that are required to serve as superintendent and can teach others.
Personal Notes
Communication/Writing Skills


Essential communication and written skills are missing.

Several of the essential communication and written skills are missing.

Has skills needed to communicate both orally and in writing. Has a good command of the English language. Communicates with Principal, staff and community through a few mediums.

Has excellent skills needed to communicate both orally and in writing. Has a superior command of the English language. Good communicator with Principal, staff and community through various mediums.
Personal Notes


No understanding of the standards; how to operate a standards based classroom or best practices for instruction. Needs extensive professional development.

Has little understanding of the standards; how to operate a standards based classroom or best practices for instruction.Needs extensive professional development.

Has some understanding of the standards; how to operate a standards based classroom or best practices for instruction. Needs additional professional development.

Demonstrates exceptional understanding of the standards; how to operate a standards based classroom or best practices for instruction. Has expertise to teach others.
Personal Notes

  • Superintendent Interviews


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