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Brit Lit CPI Resume 2.0 
Create a visual resume that shares your skills, talents, experience and personality
Rubric Code: VX326W2
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Resume 2.0

97 pts


85 pts

Room F 215

65 pts

Cap'n Jack's Bucket Factory

50 pts

HMW Questions Addressed

To what extent does your resume create a complete picture of you as a worker/person(AI)


I love how your resume comprehensively shares your skills, experience and personality with details, specifics and little, if any, room for further explanation.

I like how your resume shares your skills, experience and personality with details and specifics, even if there is some room for further explanation.
Room F 215

I noticed your resume has some details but seems to have more questions left unanswered than answered. How might you provide more details? Better develop your solution?
Cap'n Jack's Bucket Factory

What's up? Your resume doesn't really seem to be providing any information about you. How can I help?
Product Design

To what extent does your project use media to deliver information? (Function & Aesthetic a.k.a Works Well & Looks Good) MEDIA


I love how your project effectively uses media in a dynamic, unique , interesting and compelling way that looks professional and delivers the necessary information

I like how your project effectively uses media to create a project that looks professional and delivers the necessary information
Room F 215

I noticed your project only somewhat uses media in effective way. How might you look at use of color, font, layout, editing or other factors to create a more professional project? How might media help get your information across?
Cap'n Jack's Bucket Factory

What's up? Your project doesn't seem to be using media to help your cause at all. How can I help?
Writing Effectiveness

To what extent does your project use effective writing to convey your information?


I love how your project effectively uses writing/written language in a unique, powerful, creative, and/or dynamic way

I like your how your project effectively uses writing/written language.
Room F 215

I noticed your project tries to incorporate writing in a meaningful way. What if you looked at how much writing you have here? Or maybe what you could explain through writing? How you use titles, headings, bullets?
Cap'n Jack's Bucket Factory

What's up? There isn't much writing here or maybe what's here isn't really helping your project at all. Which is it? How might I help?
Professional Quality

To what extent does the product feature proper grammar, spelling, usage and such. (MUGS & Communicating w Clarity)


I love how rich and powerful your use of language is. You clearly have command of your mechanics et al and use them in the service of your style.

I like how well you use your language. When I notice errors they do not interfere at all. How might you improve your MUGS so that you may develop a stronger personal style?
Room F 215

I'm concerned with how many errors showed up in your language (I may also be concerned that your writing was too short to be assessed this way.) What tools/resources could help you with proofreading and editing?
Cap'n Jack's Bucket Factory

What's up? It seems like you failed to proofread at all or that you really need a lot of help here. Which is it? How might I help you get your MUGS on track?
Evidence of Thinking/Planning/Writi

To what extent did you document your thinking and planning?(Pre-writing, Drafts, Revisions, etc.)


I love how you provide four or more pieces of thinking/planning evidence (planning forms, sketches, graphic organizers, conferences, etc.)

I like how you provide three pieces of thinking /planning evidence (planning forms, sketches, graphic organizers, conferences, etc.)
Room F 215

I noticed you only included two pieces of thinking/planning evidence (planning forms, sketches, graphic organizers, conferences, etc.) How could you show your work even more fully?
Cap'n Jack's Bucket Factory

What's up? I'm not seeing any evidence of you thinking and planning or what I'm seeing isn't telling me much of a story yet. How can I help?

To what extent did you meet your deadlines? <BR>


I love that you turned it in on time or even early or by the agreed upon date. Boomshakala.

I like that you turned it in before it was a full day late. It happens. Life goes on.
Room F 215

I noticed turned in up to 1 week late. How can I help? What might you do to prevent this from happening next time?
Cap'n Jack's Bucket Factory

What's up? You turned turned this sucker in later than 2 weeks. What's going on? How can I help?

  • 20 percent time, Brit Lit



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