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iRubric: Probability rubric

iRubric: Probability rubric

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- Describe probability using mathematical strategies (making a tree to find outcomes; using a spinner to determine probability of choice) - Describe probability an event will occur (e.g. number of outcomes based on a tree, the probability of getting an item based on spinning a spinner)
Rubric Code: VX2BX34
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Public Rubric
Subject: Math  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Probability

1 pts


2 pts

Above Satisfactory

3 pts


4 pts



- not able to manipulate probability items in order to find desired outcomes (making a probability tree, using a spinner)

- displays limited knowledge of probability terms and concepts (how to find the probability of independent and dependent events)

- limited ability to manipulate the probability items in order to find desired outcomes (making a tree diagram, using a spinner)

- displays some knowledge of probability terms and concepts (how to find the probability of independent and dependent events)
Above Satisfactory

- consistently able to manipulate the probability items in order to find desired outcomes (making a tree diagram, using a spinner)

- displays consistent knowledge of probability terms and concepts (how to find the probability of independent and dependent events)

- strong ability to manipulate the probability items in order to find desired outcomes (making a tree diagram, using a spinner)

- displays detailed knowledge of probability in terms and concepts (how to find the probability of independent and dependent events)


- unable to devise a plan to solve the problem or define terms (use a factor tree or another probability method)

- unable to cognitively process the problem in order to derive at an answer

- somewhat able to devise a plan to solve the problem or define terms (use a factor tree or another probability method)

- somewhat able to cognitively process the problem in order to derive at an answer
Above Satisfactory

- often able to devise a plan to solve the problem or define terms (use a factor tree or another probability method)

- often able to cognitively process the problem in order to derive at an answer

- confidently able to devise a plan to solve the problem or define terms (use a factor tree or another probability method)

- confidently able to cognitively process the problem in order to derive at an answer


- does not possess the ability to apply probability content, terms, and information to probability questions or problems

- posses limited ability to use prior knowledge of probability concepts and terms to apply it to unfamiliar probability problems

- possess some ability to apply probability content, terms, and information to probability questions or problems

- posses some ability to use prior knowledge of probability concepts and terms to apply it to unfamiliar probability problems
Above Satisfactory

- posses a strong ability to apply probability content, terms, and information to probability questions or problems

- possess a strong ability to use prior knowledge of probability concepts and terms to apply it to unfamiliar probability problems

- possess an exemplary ability to apply probability content, terms, and information to probability questions or problems

- possess an exemplary ability to use prior knowledge of probability concepts and terms to apply it to unfamiliar probability problems

  • probability


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