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iRubric: Addition Word Problems rubric

iRubric: Addition Word Problems rubric

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Addition Word Problems 
Rubric Code: RXX99W2
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Public Rubric
Subject: Math  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Addition Word Problems

4 pts


3 pts

Nearing Proficiency

2 pts

Not Proficient

1 pts

Question 1


Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws more than one picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.
Nearing Proficiency

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that does not accurately represent the word problem or does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Not Proficient

Student does not write a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem or does not write a number sentence at all. Student does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Question 2


Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws more than one picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.
Nearing Proficiency

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that does not accurately represent the word problem or does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Not Proficient

Student does not write a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem or does not write a number sentence at all. Student does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Question 3


Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws more than one picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.
Nearing Proficiency

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that does not accurately represent the word problem or does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Not Proficient

Student does not write a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem or does not write a number sentence at all. Student does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Question 4


Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws more than one picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.
Nearing Proficiency

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that does not accurately represent the word problem or does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Not Proficient

Student does not write a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem or does not write a number sentence at all. Student does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Question 5


Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws more than one picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that accurately represents the word problem. All numerals are written correctly.
Nearing Proficiency

Student writes a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem. Student draws a picture that does not accurately represent the word problem or does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.
Not Proficient

Student does not write a number sentence that accurately represents the word problem or does not write a number sentence at all. Student does not draw a picture at all. Numerals are written correctly.



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