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UMF EDU 571 Artifact Rubric 2014 
Demonstrate facility with at least three digital storytelling tools over the space of the course by addressing the essential question, design challenge, or theme of the week.
Rubric Code: RXW458W
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric UMF EDU 571 Artifact Rubric 2014
  Holy Grail

Exceeds the Standard

97 pts

Lost Ark

Meets the Standard

85 pts

Crystal Skull

Partially Meets the Standard

65 pts

Stewed Monkey Brains

Does Not Yet Meet the Standard

50 pts

Depth of Understanding

To what extent do your artifacts demonstrate answers/understandings of the weekly questions/themes?

Holy Grail

I love how your artifacts demonstrate in depth, meaningful, unique, insightful or innovative thinking about the topics and questions posed.
Lost Ark

I like how your artifacts demonstrate basic understandings and thinking around the topic and questions posed.
Crystal Skull

I noticed that some of your artifacts don't seem to address the topics or questions posed. How might you revise your artifact to better reflect the intended purpose?
Stewed Monkey Brains

What's up? I'm not seeing much recognition of the topics or questions posed. How can I help?
Degree of Facility

To what extent do you demonstrate skill with the digital storytelling tools employed?

Holy Grail

I love how your artifacts demonstrate a mastery-level facility with the tools used, even if you are not an expert-level user.
Lost Ark

I like how your artifacts demonstrate a comfortable-level facility with the tools used, even if you are outside your comfort zone.
Crystal Skull

I see that your artifacts show some basic-level facility with the tools used but with some noticeable flaws in function or form. How might you revisit these artifacts and better show off your skills?
Stewed Monkey Brains

What's up? I'm not sure you know how to do the things you are trying to do. How can I help?
Effective Artifact Count

How many effective artifacts have you developed?

Holy Grail

I love how you created three or more effective artifacts over the space of the course.
Lost Ark

I like how you created two effective artifacts over the space of the course.
Crystal Skull

I noticed you only created one effective artifact over the space of the course. How might you explore other tools and applications or revisit those you used ineffectively?
Stewed Monkey Brains

What's up? I noticed you basically haven't used any of the tools in an effective way. How can I help?



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