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Rubric: PACE Essay: Process/Product Analysis
Consider one of the last two products you created and analyze the degree to which you believe it was successful. Consider how you might document the process of making it. What details and specific evidence can you include to prove your thinking is accurate?
Powered by iRubric Essay: Product Analysis
  Consumer Reports

4 <BR>
Exceeds the Standard

97 pts

Amazon Reviews

Meets the Standard

85 pts

Rotten Tomatoes

Partially Meets the Standard

65 pts

Spunky McHorowitz's Twitter feed

Does not Meet Standard Yet

50 pts

Organization: Hook

To what extent to you make your reader want to hear what you have to say? Generate interest in your work?

Consumer Reports

Powerful, interesting, and/or engaging hook that completely draws in the reader through effective diction and/or unique style
Amazon Reviews

Interesting and/or engaging hook that grabs the reader through effective diction and/or style
Rotten Tomatoes

Evident hook that uses clichés that grabs the reader through generic style
Spunky McHorowitz's Twitter feed

No hook evident and/or very cliché/generic style that makes the reader think, "Why would I want to keep reading this?"
Content: Product Analysis

To what extent do you use specific evidence for your products to prove your points?(Writing)

Consumer Reports

Rich, compelling, sensory details that show rather than tell consistently; consistently and accurately uses specific evidence
Amazon Reviews

Sensory details that tend to show rather than tell; most support a bigger idea; accurately uses some specific evidence
Rotten Tomatoes

Details that tend to tell rather than show; uses general information regarding specific evidence; explanations may be somewhat flawed or incomplete
Spunky McHorowitz's Twitter feed

When was I supposed to do a project? Seriously. Stop assigning more projects. I'm going nuts.
Organization: Conclusion

To what extent do you leave your reader thinking about the big ideas in your essay, taking it to a bigger understanding than just the analysis?

Consumer Reports

Powerful, unique, and interesting conclusion that summarizes the essay, leaves the reader thinking and answers the question “So what?”
Amazon Reviews

Interesting conclusion that summarizes the essay and leaves the reader thinking
Rotten Tomatoes

Conclusion that summarizes the essay or leaves the reader thinking
Spunky McHorowitz's Twitter feed

Conclusion does not summarize the essay or leave the reader thinking except maybe, "Well, that's an ending . . . I think."

To what extent is there evidence of personality in your essay?

Consumer Reports

Writer’s energy and passion for the subject drive the writing, making the paper lively, expressive, and engaging. Feels honest.
Amazon Reviews

Writer obviously interested and involved in topic. Seems honest.
Rotten Tomatoes

Writer shows little interest or involvement in topic; Many obvious statements. Seems a little contrived.
Spunky McHorowitz's Twitter feed

Writer doesn’t seem interested in the topic yet. Feels forced and awkward, like Mr. Ryder wearing skinny jeans.

Mechanics, Grammar, Spelling<BR>

Consumer Reports

The student uses sophisticated punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure to suit purpose, context, and audience. Although perhaps not perfect, the piece is highly polished; No interfering errors
Amazon Reviews

The student uses appropriate punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure to suit purpose, context, and audience; 1 interfering error
Rotten Tomatoes

The student demonstrates some evidence of the ability to use appropriate punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure to suit purpose, context, and audience; 2-3 interfering errors
Spunky McHorowitz's Twitter feed

The student demonstrates limited evidence of the ability to use appropriate punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure to suit purpose, context, and audience; 4 + interfering errors

(Academic Initiative)

Consumer Reports

Turned in right on time, even early perhaps
Amazon Reviews

Turned in up to one day late
Rotten Tomatoes

Turned in up to one week late
Spunky McHorowitz's Twitter feed

Turned in more than one week late
Evidence of Thinking

Pre-writing, drafts, revision sheets, notes, etc.<BR>
(Academic Initiative)

Consumer Reports

Three or more piece of evidence of your thinking and composition process
Amazon Reviews

Two pieces of evidence of your thinking and composition process
Rotten Tomatoes

One piece of evidence of your thinking and composition process
Spunky McHorowitz's Twitter feed

No evidence of thinking. Which is sad.

  • Flight307



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