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iRubric: Team Presentation for Event Design & Catering Creative Pitch rubric

iRubric: Team Presentation for Event Design & Catering Creative Pitch rubric

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Team Presentation for Event Design & Catering Creative Pitch 
Group Presentation to Peers and Instructor of the theme for a target audience with specific program requirements. Offsite Event - one night to include reception, dinner, entertainment and interactive elements as well as decor
Rubric Code: JB72B7
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Presentation Rubric
  Does not meet requirements

1 pts

Meets Requirements

3 pts

Outstanding, Exceeds

above average

5 pts

Organization of Information

This refers to how easy the presentation is to follow/understand<BR>

Does not meet requirements

Difficult to follow and understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.

Random linking. No logical sequence.

No connection to course or project.
Meets Requirements

Student(s) present information in logical sequence which audience can follow.

Use of/refers to the course occassionally.
Outstanding, Exceeds

Student(s) present information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can easily follow.

Connection to project requirements is clear and has a sophisticated application of knowledge beyond the course.
Oral delivery of the Presentation

This refers to how well the presentation is given: elocution, eye contact, and enthusiasm.<BR>

Does not meet requirements

Student(s) present information with no eye contact. Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. Student(s) unenthusiastic. One main speaker - time is not shared in a way that makes sense or is equal. Not memorable.
Meets Requirements

Student(s) maintain eye contact most of the time. Students' voice is clear. Student(s) pronounce most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. Student(s) enthusiastic. Good use of visuals and words to illustrate the concept. Somewhat memorable.
Outstanding, Exceeds

Student(s) maintain eye contact with audience. Student?(s) uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Student(s) very enthusiastic. All team members contribute to the presentation in a way that is shared and natural in division of content. Very memorable. Stands out. Applies information from beyond the course.
Content Customized to project

Quality and accuracy of information (X3)


Does not meet requirements

Student(s) gave inaccurate or insufficient information.

Theme and venue do not clearly link - seems random. Choice of venue does not fit the requirements of the program or target audience.
Meets Requirements

Student(s) gave accurate and sufficient information.

Theme and venue work together. Off premise location to be used fits the program proposed as well as the audience and project requirements.
Outstanding, Exceeds

Student(s) information went above and beyond the assignment.

Theme and venue are connected. Realistic use of the venue to meet the requirements of the program, audience and project details including the budget. Specific use of venue/location is most fitting.
Use of Materials/Props to animate

This refers to additonal items used to illustrate the concept

Does not meet requirements

Student(S) do not use props.

have very little variey of presentation techniques

words and visuals do not link
Meets Requirements

2D, gets the job done, could have more details and better animation of the theme idea.....
Outstanding, Exceeds

Student(s) demonstrate great use of props and material to enhance all aspects of the presentation. Choices are appropriate and timed well.

3D quality
Timing of Presentation

Presentation is not too short or too long and meets timeframe set


Does not meet requirements

Too Short (under 5 minutes)
Meets Requirements
Outstanding, Exceeds

Timing is 8 to 10 minutes<BR>
Conclusion/Wrap up is not rushed<BR>
Presentation was rehearsed so as to fit into timeframe set.
Written Executive Summary

This refers to the written requirements that are to be handed in to be reviewed "at leisure" by the evaluator


Does not meet requirements

Concept is unclear. Many errors in logic, format, presentation of ideas. No pictures or any details to reinforce presentation.
Meets Requirements

Some information not clearly stated or explained. Lacks some flow in editing, language, et cetera, little/no images. Some errors with spelling and grammar.
Outstanding, Exceeds

Clearly outlines concept, free of errors, easy to follow, format - professional quality (grammar/spelling), pictures or images to reinforce theme and concept presented.

  • Presentation on Creative Concept - Event

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