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iRubric: Understanding Syllables rubric

iRubric: Understanding Syllables rubric

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Understanding Syllables 
The teacher discussed what syllables are, how to count them, and how to separate the syllables out. This was all done while watching a video (one that was interactive), playing an interactive game, and then throughout resources provided by the teacher. This rubric is to assess the student's current level for understanding syllables, before starting the next unit. After this assessment, students will engage in a vocal assessment with the teacher.
Rubric Code: J248W88
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Quiz  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Understanding Syllables
  Poor - Below Grade/Emergent level

1 pts

Good - Grade Level

2 pts

Excellent - Above Grade Level

3 pts


Poor - Below Grade/Emergent level

The student does not engage in any participation during the videos, game, or assessment. The student showcases little or no understanding of the presented topics in any of the mentioned above activities. The student doesn't raise their hand or play in the game as directed. The student needs multiple redirects to complete the task.
Good - Grade Level

The student partially participates in engagement in 1-2 activities, ie raises hand, plays game, or watches video. The student, however, does not fully complete the activity or does not complete the assessment given within the video. The student is able to complete the tasks with some redirection.
Excellent - Above Grade Level

The student in engages in full participation during all activities. The student raises their hand, completes the assessment, and engages during the game. The student is able to complete all tasks with little to no redirection.
Ability To Count Syllables

Poor - Below Grade/Emergent level

The student showcases they are unable to identify a syllable. The student showcases that they cannot identify the correct number of syllables in a one syllabic word, ie 'chair' at least 50% of the time.
Good - Grade Level

The student showcases they are able to identify a syllable. The student showcases that they can identify the number of syllables in a 1-2 syllabic word, ie 'chair' or 'funny' at least 75% of the time.
Excellent - Above Grade Level

The student showcases they are able to identify a syllable. The student showcases that they can identify the number of syllables in a 1-3 syllabic word, ie 'chair', 'funny', or 'beautiful' at least 75% of the time.
Ability To Separate Syllables

Poor - Below Grade/Emergent level

The student showcases they are unable to count syllables. The student showcases they are unable to find where the separation occurs at least 50% of the time. The student is unable to correctly identify the parts of a syllable at least 50% of the time.
This student requires 1:1 support.
Good - Grade Level

The student showcases the ability to count syllables. The student showcases they are able to find where the separation occurs at least 75% of the time. The student is able to correctly identify the parts of a syllable at least 75% of the time.
This student requires a check-in, but can complete the task 70% of the way without help.
Excellent - Above Grade Level

The student showcases the ability to count syllables. The student showcases they are able to find where the separation occurs at least 100% of the time. The student is able to correctly identify the parts of a syllable at least 75% of the time.
This student is able to complete work independently, with 1-2 clarifying questions.



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